View Full Version : Isn't she lovely?

01-22-2005, 01:13 PM
Thank goodness Katrina is not a tabby or I'd be plotting to get hubby to let me keep her! I am so in love with her already!

Look at that precious face!

I can't help but pick her up and snuggle with her!

She is the lovey-dovey-est kitten I have ever met. She will happily sit in anyone's lap. She is very laidback and nothing spooks her (well, the vaccuum did, but I'd be worried if even that didn't phase her! :D )
Any PTer want the purrfect kitten? Because here she is!

01-22-2005, 01:22 PM
What a precious girl she is. :p She looks irresisible in the last picture - SO sweet! Where'd you get her? Someone is bound to give her a forever home!

01-22-2005, 01:26 PM
Oh! Thank goodness you are nowhere near me!!!

She is so pretty and with a personality like that she will be adopted quickly. It sounds like this little lady is a dream cat! I hope she finds the most perfect home for her.

How about some more pictures of that precious little sicky poo Murphy?

01-22-2005, 01:30 PM
Poor Murphy looks so forlorn in the cage. I have a blanket over the cage and I am waiting for the one in the dryer to finish... he feels cool to the touch. I have to run to the store for Gatoraid and will give it to him via a dropper since he hasn't touched any food whatsoever. No babyfood, no wet food. No water. I have to get something in him. I have a can of KMR, but its a huge can, and me being the frugal Nellie I am, I hate to open it for him to refuse it. At least the kids will drink the Gatoraid if he refuses it! :rolleyes: :D

01-22-2005, 01:35 PM
Kim, the KMR may make the runs worse right now. I would warm up some baby food and dropper feed that and some of the Gatoraid to him. You know how your stomach hurts sometimes so bad that you don't want to eat but you know you would feel better if you did. I would force a small amount of warmed up baby food. I bet his little bum is sore too.:(
You can also take towels, blankets, whatever and warm them in the dryer and wrap him in those so he can get warm.

01-22-2005, 02:44 PM
She is darling! She looks like such a mellow little girlie too. :) :) :) Hope little Murphy gets over the bug quickly. :(