View Full Version : I think Trix forgot she's housebroken..

01-21-2005, 01:41 PM
She went twice on the carpet today... and both when I was just getting ready to take her out..

I think she might have done the second one because she saw me cleaning up a spot on the carpet where I spilled some tomato soup (don't ask, I'm clumsy =) ) and thought 'This looks like a good place to go.. '

She's also kinda under the weather..

Does that happen when dogs are not feeling well?

01-21-2005, 02:35 PM
Yep it might be because shes not feeling well if she keeps it up I'd take her to the vet she may have an UTI... Good luck!!

01-21-2005, 02:37 PM
Is it really cold outside? Sometimes small dogs decide it's too cold and mess in the house.

01-21-2005, 03:29 PM
Well, right now it's -15 without the windchill.. which is uhmm.. 5 degrees Fahrenheit..