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View Full Version : good boy again

01-21-2005, 11:20 AM
Fritz was a good boy again last night.Mom had some ladies over for a game of cards and Fritz couldn't wait to see them.He greeted them in his usual way of jumping up at them and wagging his curly tail.he stayed especially close to one lady who has a Schnauzer by the name of Muffin and Fritz could smell her on the lady.He stayed right close to her begging for snacks and when that was done he went to bed with dad and stayed there until everybody went home and mom put him in his own bed.Most of the time today he has slept upstairs covered with a blanket.It wasn't til2 or 3 hours after that he went outside,didn't stay out too long to do his businees as it was very cold here today.Right now it's -8 fahrenheit,winchill in the -20's fahrenheit,so you don't stay out too long as you wouldn't want to freeze up.Fritz has warmed up by sleeping in the sunlight behind our couch downstairs,right now he's upstairs sleeping in a chair in the living room.He's got into his usual mischief today.Ripped a paper out of a notebook of mine and grabbed one of mom's good boots .Gets it from him by giving him a piece of meat.That's his story for today so far.

01-21-2005, 12:02 PM
It's too bad that lady didn't bring her dog to visit Fritz. How is Fritz with other dogs? He sounds like he had a nice restful day.

Fenway says "howdy Fritz"!

01-21-2005, 12:18 PM
glad Fritz was good with his visitors last night. He must have been excited to see all the ladies visiting him. And he got some time in Dads bed before mom came up hehehe.