View Full Version : Updates needed on the following kitties....

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-21-2005, 10:24 AM
Hazel, Tigris, Storm, Connor, Georgie - how are you all feeling these days? Butter & Magoo, how are the skin conditions going? Ebby, how's the tail and the prospects of losing that cone? Strauss, how are you fitting in with the gang these days? Kylie, how's your eye?

Any other kitties that have had "issues" lately that I forgot - sorry, but please check in too.

K & L
01-21-2005, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Hazel, Tigris, Storm, Connor, Georgie - how are you all feeling these days? Butter & Magoo, how are the skin conditions going? Ebby, how's the tail and the prospects of losing that cone? Strauss, how are you fitting in with the gang these days? Kylie, how's your eye?

Any other kitties that have had "issues" lately that I forgot - sorry, but please check in too.

Hazel's hanging in there. She vomits on a daily basis, and we take her a few times a week for sub-fluids. We're not giving up, and thanks for asking!

BTW-Kurby is doing really well. He came up to me the other night for the FIRST time and let me pet him! I have a picture I'll post this weekend. He hasn't done it since, but it's a start!

01-21-2005, 10:46 AM
Awesome news K&L about Kurby & glad Hazel's hanging in there. Georgie's legs have not improved any, I guess he'll always be my little pretzel legged boy. :( I did get soem Torbutrol from another vet, and it's helped Georgie tremendously with the pain. :) He's back to being my happy-go-lucky little sweetie again. He goes up and down stairs with very little difficulty, and always wants to be where I am at all times. He's just the dearest little guy. :)

01-21-2005, 10:47 AM
Great thread, Debbie!

K&L ... bless your hearts for being so good for sweet Hazel! I hope she continues to improve.;)

01-21-2005, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
Awesome news K&L about Kurby & glad Hazel's hanging in there. Georgie's legs have not improved any, I guess he'll always be my little pretzel legged boy. :( I did get soem Torbutrol from another vet, and it's helped Georgie tremendously with the pain. :) He's back to being my happy-go-lucky little sweetie again. He goes up and down stairs with very little difficulty, and always wants to be where I am at all times. He's just the dearest little guy. :)

QSA ... so glad to hear that little Georgie is moving around and happy ... that's what counts! We love him, pretzel legs or not!!!;)

01-21-2005, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Strauss, how are you fitting in with the gang these days?

Strauss here -

So far so good. The one the humans call Joxer just swings wide when he passes me in the room. They say he's my brother but I don't feel any brotherly love from him. Still, he doesn't seem like a bad guy and he doesn't challenge me so no problem there.

The one they call Sidney also seems to be a pretty cool cat. I did however try to get too close to him yesterday and received a resounding hiss in return but I can respect that - the cat was just setting boundries and we seem to be able to co-exist. We'll even hang in the living room together provided we're at least a couple feet apart from each other. I do get annoyed if the humans pet him while I'm there. But then they'll pet me too so it seems ok.

Now the trouble-maker is the half-pint kitty that looks a lot like me. They call her the little girl Jan and apparently I'm supposed to call her mom, but no thanks. Does she ever have an attitude. She tried to stare me down the other day - I mean she was just a few inches from my face. I had no choice but to make the first move - the fight only lasted a few seconds but I think she's starting to figure out that I'm not going to be bossed around by her the way the others are.

Its still a little odd being here but I think its starting to feel like home. I'm no longer howling in the middle of the night so the humans are very please about that. I do miss my old brother Levi, I hope he's ok.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-21-2005, 04:10 PM
Glad to hear everything's going relatively well for all who have spoken so far.

Lisa, glad to hear the news about Kurby! What a great forward step! Glad to hear Hazel is still doing relatively well also. Sure wish they could figure out what's wrong with her...:confused:

Georgie Porgie, so glad to hear you're not in pain anymore sweety. And like Kim says, we love you no matter if you have pretzel legs or not. :D

Strauss, sounds like you're fitting in well! Don't worry about that Jan kitty, she'll learn to ignore you soon enough. At least you have the other boys to back you up if necessary. ;)

K & L
01-21-2005, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Glad to hear everything's going relatively well for all who have spoken so far.

Lisa, glad to hear the news about Kurby! What a great forward step! Glad to hear Hazel is still doing relatively well also. Sure wish they could figure out what's wrong with her...:confused:

Georgie Porgie, so glad to hear you're not in pain anymore sweety. And like Kim says, we love you no matter if you have pretzel legs or not. :D

Strauss, sounds like you're fitting in well! Don't worry about that Jan kitty, she'll learn to ignore you soon enough. At least you have the other boys to back you up if necessary. ;)

They did find Hazels problem. She has kidney cancer and we had the bad kidney removed. She has the very aggressive kind so we're just fighting the battle.:(

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-21-2005, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by K & L
They did find Hazels problem. She has kidney cancer and we had the bad kidney removed. She has the very aggressive kind so we're just fighting the battle.:(

Oh no, I didn't know that. :( I know you will do everything you can to keep her comfortable. :(

01-21-2005, 09:11 PM
Thanks for this thread Debbie.:)

Hazel, I am glad to hear that you are doing relatively well.

Kurby, you keep going to your meowmie for petties because soon you will realize she is one special lady.:D

Oh Jan, I am so glad to hear that you were able to something to ease sweet Georgie's pain.
Give that little precious boy a kiss for me.

Strauss, I am sure everyone will come around when they realize you are there for good.:)

01-21-2005, 11:26 PM
BeddyBear's (aka Jade) test results came back yesterday and she's is physically healthy except for a slightly hightened Triglyceride level, so she's now on Hill's PD w/d for the next 6 months + I'm using the Feliway plug-in again.

It IS a severe case of stress (just like I thought it was/is) - sorta like post-traumatic stress syndrome, and hopefully lotsa TLC and extra attention will take care of it.

01-21-2005, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by K & L
They did find Hazels problem. She has kidney cancer and we had the bad kidney removed. She has the very aggressive kind so we're just fighting the battle.:(

Oh NO, Lisa!!! How did I miss the diagnosis!!! :( :(
How very sad .... I know this has to be so hard for you... thank you for giving Hazel as much time as possible to be loved by you. That is the greatest gift she could receive is YOUR love!!!


01-21-2005, 11:57 PM
Thanks for asking :)
Kylie's eye is getting better each day it isn't swollen and not nearly as red.
And doesn't weep at all.
She is on the mend! :)

01-22-2005, 01:21 AM
Storm is eating, drinking, and peeing well. He's also back to terrorizing poor Cirrus. I took him to the vet last Sat. for his annual check up and FVRCP shot and another unrinalysis check. The vet said that he looks very healthy and he weighs 13.9 lbs.:)

On Wed. I found out that Storm's urinalysis was normal except for his ph level. It's 8.5 and should only be as high as 6. The vet said that it's too alkaline and he may need to switch to a different food like Hills s/d until it becomes lower.

Since he hasn't been on the Royal Canin SO diet for very long, I'm going to wait another month before I have another urinalysis taken. If it's still too high then he'll need to change food temporarily to get his ph level lower.

I asked the vet how a high ph would affect Storm and she said that it could cause irritation to his urethra and/or another possible UTI since it will cause crystals to start forming. Hopefully we'll be able to control his ph level so this won't happen.

01-22-2005, 01:32 AM
For the most part they are very good updates. I hope we hear from Tigris, Connor, Butter, Ebby and Magoo too.

K&L - I'm sorry about Hazel, poor girl. Great news about Kurby though.
QSA - poor Georgie, I'm glad his getting some pain relief finally.
Strauss - good for you, but I'm sure you miss Levi.
Uniqueviking - poor Jade. I hope the new diet and Feliway help, she's been through a lot. Please give her some extra hugs for me.
Yay Kylie - glad you're on the mend!
KAK - I'm glad Storm is doing so well. I guess he's 100% if Cirrus is big concern again, poor Cirrus. I hope he continues to do well.

Now would anyone like to share some pictures of these sweeties so we can see how they are for ourselves?? Please?

01-22-2005, 05:41 AM
So far everyone's news is sounding pretty good.:)

Magoo is doing wonderful!! He's no longer itching or pulling out his hair. He has taken his worm medicine so we hope that is all gone too! His chin is already scabbed up instead of raw so that should all be clear within a few days. He is much happier and back to his old silly self and that makes me a very happy camper!!:D
The one bad note: the doc wanted me to add Cod Liver oil to his food so I bought some. I bought the gelcaps and I have been busting one open and putting it in his wet food. Magoo says uh uh, no way, that stuff stinks and I'm not gonna eat it!!:p :p :p So, no more Cod Liver oil!:rolleyes:

Thanks for asking Debbie!!!:)
{{{HUGS}}} to all the kitties that have not been feeling very well.

01-22-2005, 08:17 AM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
So far everyone's news is sounding pretty good.:)

Magoo is doing wonderful!! He's no longer itching or pulling out his hair. He has taken his worm medicine so we hope that is all gone too! His chin is already scabbed up instead of raw so that should all be clear within a few days. He is much happier and back to his old silly self and that makes me a very happy camper!!:D
The one bad note: the doc wanted me to add Cod Liver oil to his food so I bought some. I bought the gelcaps and I have been busting one open and putting it in his wet food. Magoo says uh uh, no way, that stuff stinks and I'm not gonna eat it!!:p :p :p So, no more Cod Liver oil!:rolleyes:

Thanks for asking Debbie!!!:)
{{{HUGS}}} to all the kitties that have not been feeling very well.
Lisa, My vet has said that safflower oil works great. My friend Barbara's cat had the worst case of dandruff I'd ever seen, and the safflower oil knocked out the dandruff in only a few doses. You don't need much...maybe a teaspoon of it. ;)

01-22-2005, 08:21 AM
The Found Cats,are glad,to hear,that the updates,on thier Cat Friends,ismostly positive,andare channeling our Prayers,to Hazel,that she can get well,over that terrible disease.

01-22-2005, 08:36 AM
You can also try flax seed oil.

It's a fantastic oil. Only 1/3 of the oil is actually oil. The rest is fibre and protein + it contains lignans, essential Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and alpha linolenic acid.

Pretty much odor- and tasteless.

01-22-2005, 08:46 AM
Wow, thanks guys for the other oil options. I think Magoo is going to need something during the winter months at least. I'll give the other two oils a try and see if Mr. Super Sniffer can detect them or not.;) :D

01-22-2005, 11:08 AM
I've used the Omega 3 Fatty Acid gel caps for Disney. She seemed to love when I squirt it all over her food and it did wonders for her skin and fur when her allergies were so bad, of course I am talking about a dog who will eat almost anything so...