View Full Version : Please send bad vibes to this evil lady...

01-20-2005, 04:46 PM
OMFG! I'm so mad right now. :mad: I was getting into my car at Target and I heard a woman shout "Do you want to get ran over, you stupid fuc#er?" I looked up and the boy was about 4 years old. He goes "No, mommy." She goes "Well, them come here, you stupid fuc#!." I wanted to hurt her. If she talks to her kid like that in public, what is she saying behind closed doors? I gave her a nasty look and she shot one back at me like it was none of my business. My blood pressure is through the roof right now. I hope the worst for that evil woman.

01-20-2005, 04:55 PM
Oh I hate that!!! Makes me so mad to when I hear an adult talk to a child like that..(or anyone else for that matter, but esp a child!) I would have gotten her license plates and turned her in to CPS

01-20-2005, 04:57 PM
oo that's awful! Reminds me of this lady that was talking to another lady and her son (about 6) was saying mom mom mom. Trying to get her attention. She turns around and just yells at the top of her lungs. "What the H$ll do you want MotherF%cker!"

How evil them! She shouldn't be talking to her kid like that!

01-20-2005, 04:59 PM
   Please do not send "bad vibes" to her. Every pet is special; every person is special.


01-20-2005, 06:48 PM

People like that creat their own "bad vibes". Just think about
it this way, that child will probably end up picking out her nursing
home when the time comes.:)

I do feel bad for the child though.:(

01-20-2005, 07:30 PM
:eek: How terrible!
I'm afraid to think what the kid will be like when he grows up because of the way his mother treated him...

01-20-2005, 08:28 PM
Poor kid :(. Karma will come back and bite her on the rear eventually, well we can only hope ;).

01-20-2005, 08:40 PM
I would have said something to her. I wouldn't have been able to witness something like that and not say something. Hateful witch! If she didn't want the child, she should have either had an abortion or given him up for adoption. Unless he's rescued from this scum that claims to be human, I'm afraid his life is doomed. I hope karma bites her in the a$$ big time.

01-21-2005, 06:11 AM
I think she needs good vibes.. so she can change.. so she could be nicer to her kid or anyone.

01-21-2005, 06:32 AM
I think Paul is right. The sad part is she will rue and regret her behavior when it's too late :( Too late for her but hopefully not for this innocent child. Paybacks are a MF'er

01-21-2005, 07:11 AM
Poor child. :(

01-21-2005, 10:07 AM
Please Please Please pleeeeeze, get some kind of I.D. from her next time (license plate) and report her.
That child will NEVER recover from that kind of abuse until somebody stops the cycle and gets him the help (and loving family) that he needs. Just like all our animals, that boy needs to know he is WANTED-can you imagine doing that to YOUR child?

That lady :mad: :mad: , to call her such is generous, should go to boot camp and have somebody scream and belittle her for a month. See how she likes it.

Dirty looks are great but don't stop the cycle. HELP when you can!

That little boy might be found dead one day.

Love to everything that needs it always,

(speaking from experience),

01-21-2005, 10:09 AM
I agree. I also REFUSE to give sympathy to this type of scum.

01-21-2005, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by GraciesMommy
I would have gotten her license plates and turned her in to CPS

I was thinking the EXACT same thing!

01-21-2005, 10:26 AM
Usually that type of person grew up with the same treatment. That poor kid will probably end up just like her and then people will see him behave that way and hate him for it. I do psychiatric transcription and I see some amazing and disturbing things some of these people have done, especially drug addicts. But then when I hear about what some of them went through growing up, it is really no wonder they are so messed up, and it perpetuates itself. One that stands out in my memory very strongly was a woman who as a child had witnessed her parents beat her little sister to death. They went to prison and then she was sexually abused by foster parents. It is no surprised she turned to drugs and alcohol to escape. I'm sure she does not behave "normally" but how in the world could someone be normal after growing up that way? It is like hating a vicious dog even though it got that way by being horribly abused. I'm not saying every case is that way, but most are.

It is so sad for the little boy but also for the woman. I cannot imagine she is living a happy and meaningful life filled with love. I wonder at what has happened to her to make her so bitter and cruel.

01-21-2005, 06:50 PM
Should of said something

there was no way in h# ll if i was you i could not of said anything..

who know's what did did to that child after she took off:rolleyes:

01-21-2005, 09:15 PM
Yeah, that would have been ideal, but there is no way at 9 months pregnant I am going to follow some crazy lady through a parking lot. Especially since we were on the back side where no one parks. She wasn't driving. I watched her walk away.

01-21-2005, 10:13 PM
Rather than send bad vibes to this "evil" lady, I will pray for her, and for the child in her care. I hope the next time this happens, someone is able to interfere, and get them both help.

I understand, Tonya, that you, being as close to giving birth, are not as, shall we say, "nimble" as you would otherwise be! I am sorry you had to witness that. I hope someone else did, or will the next time, and the child and his mother will get help. No child should grow up that way.

01-21-2005, 11:30 PM
I sadly see that sort of thing happen all the time :( Abuse is abuse no matter what form it takes. I pray that the woman will find the strength to change, and if not that, I pray that the little boy will find that kind of abuse wrong and break the cycle...

:( This sort of thing makes me want to cry

01-22-2005, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by Karen
Rather than send bad vibes to this "evil" lady, I will pray for her, and for the child in her care. I hope the next time this happens, someone is able to interfere, and get them both help.

I understand, Tonya, that you, being as close to giving birth, are not as, shall we say, "nimble" as you would otherwise be! I am sorry you had to witness that. I hope someone else did, or will the next time, and the child and his mother will get help. No child should grow up that way.

You're right. Prayer will resolve the situation better then being struck by lightening, wouldn't it? I said that out of anger, it is just so upsetting to see children get abused and not be able to do anything about it.

I know for a fact that even if I did call CPS, they wouldn't do anything about one report of verbal abuse. They have a hard enough time keeping up with the parents that are physically abusive.

01-23-2005, 06:30 PM
Sadly children can not choose their parents, I too hear this kind of stuff all the time, foul language is an accepted part of life it seems everywhere, even though it is actually against the law to use obscene language, does anyone ever do anything about it NOT, of course this is much deeper than just bad language, it is verbal child abuse, that child does not stand a chance.

One time I was at burger King with my then young daughter about 4 years old, these children and yes they were just that children were swearing the worst of the foul language there is, I spoke to them and told them it was a public place and I did not appreciate their language, they just turned around and verbally abused me, so I did report it to the manager, but I left there feeling scared for my safety and my daughter's, a horrible sign of the times.

Not that I am giving that woman any sympathy, but the truth probably is, that is exactly how she was spoken to as a child, the vicious cycle thing, but then again it is up to her to try and change all that.

Another incident outside my house not long ago, a young man outside swearing again the worst of the foul language, it was very quiet and early in the morning, I looked out the window, he did apologise, but said something about some guy(think it was my neighbours) would not let him get his dog, and that he could not get him because he had his young son in hand, one did he think firstly his dog should have been on a leash and two about the disgusting language he used in front of his toddler, NOT on you Nelly as the saying goes., just more prime examples of similar incidents like your's Tonya.

It takes a brave person to speak up and say something, obviously you are not going to be thanked for it.

Sadly this is all too common today.:(

01-23-2005, 09:12 PM
Awful! Some people just shouldn't breed! Poor kid...wonder how she'll like it when he calls her a stupid F-ing female dog? Or how about telling his teacher to F-off...that'll be great...(shaking head)