View Full Version : Poofy tail and no camera!

01-20-2005, 03:53 PM
Why do all the funniest things happen when the camera batteries are dead? I dropped by a used bookstore last night to get some new reading material, and after a bit of reading, I sat the book down on a little footrest I keep by the chair for the kitties to snooze on. Well, I think the previous owner of the book must've had a cat or dog because the next thing I know, Mowgli steps over me and starts sniffing at the book and his tail goes into "poof mode." The more he sniffs, the poofier his tail gets, and the more he ends up getting drool on the book. And he kept giving me this adorable, open-mouthed "What is that doing here!?" look.

Of course, the whole time I'm cracking up. And as soon as I realized the camera was in reach, I grabbed it and tried to snap a picture. But, alas, the batteries were dead. :( And by the time I'd gotten the charged batteries, Sir Poofy-tail was all stretched out, acting like nothing had happened. :rolleyes:

01-20-2005, 04:21 PM
A poofy tale of a poofy tail;)

01-20-2005, 04:23 PM
Awww, I was hoping to get to see more Mowgli pictures soon:(
I love the poofy tail look. My camera also has the batteries die at the most conveinent times:rolleyes:

01-20-2005, 05:23 PM
:D They sure do look funny when their tails are poofed to the max. I kow I was almost falling over when Pouncer met the dawg at Christmas. Poor fellow was in obvious distress and I was almost crying from laughing so hard! :D

01-20-2005, 05:57 PM
I would love to have seen my Mowg man with a poofy tail and purple toesies!! And drooling on top of all that!;) :D I bet that was hilarious! The poofy tail always cracks me up.:D :D :D

01-21-2005, 09:14 AM
The Found Cats,are always doing,that striking ,the funniest poses,when I have no cameras,handy.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-21-2005, 10:08 AM
:D :D

I haven't had poofy tail in the house for a long long time, but now Jack is being a little jumpy for some reason - jumps at the slightest little noise like the furnace clicking on - and we've had lots of poofy tail now in the last few days. :D But of course as soon as I come around with the camera, he starts acting all non-chalant and tail goes back to normal mode. :rolleyes: :D