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01-20-2005, 01:35 PM
This picture cracks me up. Anyone who knows Pepper, knows that she is a very nawtee girl. But doesn't she look like a an angel in this one?


Perhaps she's looking up to the heavens praying that we don't find out what she's been up to. Hmmmmmm

Her latest? (No, she hasn't been peeing in the kitchen sink any more), but when my husband went out on the 2nd floor balcony to get photos of the moose in our yard http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=69129 , Pepper leapt up onto the banister and tried to jump to the roof! :eek: Hubby caught her just in time -- dropping the camera into the snow. The girl is a daredevil! So much for having a "profound" heart murmur. The vet said to just take her home and enjoy her because there is nothing to be done and that she'd be delicate and frail !!!!!!!!!!!! Still haven't stopped laughing about that one!

Anyone else out there got a kitty with the face of an angel but is full of the devil?

01-20-2005, 02:01 PM
Oh boy do I! Pouncer is the angel faced boy around here. His "twin" Abby is much the same with her little angelic looks... but don't let them fool ya!

Pouncer has a history of falling off the second floor balcony and Abby has a tendency to climb in places she shouldn't be. :rolleyes: God help me when I introduce her to the balcony! :eek:

01-20-2005, 03:03 PM
Miagi is angel faced when he's sleeping ;)

01-20-2005, 07:44 PM
I can not believe that Pepper is anything but Angelic! Look at that precious and oh so innocent face! Those huge innocent eyes say there is not a nawtee bone in her body!!;) :D

Yeah, I got a daredevil here too. Stubby weighs in at about six pounds, innocent little fox like face, but loaded with spunk and knows no fear.

Look at this sweet, tiny, fragile and innocent baby girl.

If she sneaks past you and gets outside the first thing she does is jump onto the deck railing, on to the roof, and on up to the chimney to catch the chimney swallows! When she does this I'm always afraid the wind will blow her down the chimney.
Here she is getting yelled at by me. Get down Stubby!!!

If you look close here you can see she ignored me and went on top of the chimney.

Fortunately she hasn't escaped in a long time! I'm so glad 'cause that girl was gonna give me a heart attack!:eek:

01-20-2005, 07:50 PM
Callie is so nawtee it's funny. She looks perfectly sweet and innocent until she steals a piece of food off your plate, dips her paw in your drink, chases her brofur and sister at 3 AM, vomits and then you step in it, begs for food and to get a drink at the sink, pushes stuff off the nightstand when you don't get up fast enough, CRIES about everything, can't stand to have doors closed and will meow/cry until she gets in, paws at the blinds when she's hungry...whew I could list a day's worth of nawtee.

She's so perfect. :p


01-20-2005, 10:50 PM
Awww Pepper, you're just too sweet looking to be a nawtee as meowmie says.

01-21-2005, 04:03 AM
My Hallie is nawtee when the kitties go out into the "cat proof" back yard! She is the only one ... but all summer long, we had to fight to keep her from jumping on the roof! Everything in the back yard was a launching pad for her .... the grill, the top of our covered swing, you name it! We had to constantly rearrange our furniture, then finally she was just forbidden from yard time!:rolleyes:

Don't let her sweet face fool ya!:eek:


01-21-2005, 04:51 AM
Pepper is Beautiful.

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-21-2005, 06:13 AM
Pepper naughty :eek: ?? Nah, don't believe that for a second...;) :)

01-21-2005, 08:08 AM
Angelic pose .....right before sneezing on Mom's dinner and tipping over Dad's glass of water....Tiiiigerrr!:p


01-21-2005, 08:28 AM
The Found Cats,ahve taht same Angelic expression,just before,or just after,they ahve done something,that they know,in thier hearts,is NNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWTTTTTEEEEEEEEEE!

01-21-2005, 09:01 AM
Mina is that way too. We just took her for her bi-weekly visit to the white coats which I hate doing because she is always so sore after he gets done with her front paws. She is forever jumping on top of the shower and jumps up on the grandfather clock. She likes high spots and when meowmie has a slice of pineapple and pepperoni pizza she steal the pineapple off it.

01-22-2005, 02:22 AM
Pepper looks like a total angel to me! ;)

In fact, all these kitties have me 100% fooled...:eek: