View Full Version : In need of advice

01-20-2005, 10:00 AM
Hey everyone. I have a problem and need advice. And not just on how to work this site. Heehee! Thanks again Kate.
If anyone can help I would really appreciate it!

I have a 7 year-old dog named Macy. She’s a real sweetie but is having a problem with my boyfriends dog, Jetta. Jetta is a 3 year-old pit/lab mix. A real sweet heart. She loves to play and really wants to play with Macy but Macy wants NOTHING to do with her. I know the age difference is an issue and this being Macy’s territory is another but there must be something we can do.

My boyfriend is looking to find a new home for Jetta and that breaks my heart! Is there anything he and I can do to hlep this situation? Is there a proper way to introduce the dogs? I don’t want him to have to get rid of Jetta. He loves that pup. I’ll try anything.

01-20-2005, 04:01 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk.

How big is Macy? What kind of dog is she?
I would try taking them somewhere out of the house to get to know each other better. Neutral ground is always better.
My 9 year old chihuahua, Buster, wasn't too thrilled when we brought home our 1 year old Pug, Nacey. But he got used to her after a little while, and now they will sleep next to each other. My 6 year old min pin, Charlie on the other hand loved Nacey from day one. Even though there is a 5 year age difference between the two of them they got along great from the start. I also have a 4 year old pomeranian, Bitsy, who couldn't care less either way. :)

Aspen and Misty
01-20-2005, 06:20 PM
I wouldn't give up to quickly. It takes my dog Nova at least a month to get used to a new dog. Try to get the dogs together on play dates, twice a week for 4 weeks. Then try to move them in together. Play dates can be going to the park. Going to the pet store. Going for a walk, anything that is fun for the dogs to do. *Make sure it is on neutral teritory* (the park, a diffrent neighborhood etc.)


01-20-2005, 09:03 PM
Thank you KBlaix and Ashley for your advice. We really do appreciate it!
Phillip (my boyfriend) and I did start them out on neutral territory but Macy just kept her distance.
To answer your question KBlaix, Macy is a medium size dog. She is a Beagle/Harrier mix. A harrier is like a fox hound. Macy is only an inch taller then Jetta (pit/lab mix) but Jetta is more muscular.
I’m going to try to talk Phillip in to giving this some more time. I know it’s hurting him to think he’ll have to get rid of her. The thing that is slowing us down is how hipper Jetta is. She’s only 3 so she’s still a pup. I guess we’ll have to sit down and talk about it. Thank you again. Thank you so much. No one wants to get rid of their babies. You guys take care.


01-20-2005, 09:28 PM
As long as they're not fighting with blood, I would keep them together. Macy is just keeping her distance right? I wouldn't be too worried, then.

Although it is a little pitiful when the newcomer wants to play and the current dog doesn't want to, it's actually very common. In fact, when my Grey entered our household, she immediately tried to initiate play with my Peke. My Peke wanted nothing to do with her. He's also food aggressive, so the two dogs had a few hissy fights during the first month. It got to the point where Giselle was *terrified* of Lucky and I was seriously considering giving her back. It broke my heart because Giselle would run away from my Peke and she was just plain 'ol scared of him. For one whole week, she could not stand to be in the same room with my Peke. Believe me, I called my adoption coordinator and asked her what to do, and the thought of giving my Grey back was always in the back of my mind. Then, I posted in need of help and I found that many many people had gone through my same experience and that it almost always got better. Give it a few months. I've had two dogs for about seven months, now, and they're still adjusting to each other. Though they don't love each other, I do see them sleeping close to each other from time to time.:) Meanwhile, make sure they're having fun fun fun every time they're within each other's presence. Good Luck!

01-21-2005, 06:24 AM
Thank you for your advice. Everyone here is very insightful. I definitely like this site. I will be talking to Phillip this weekend about Macy and Jetta. I'll keep you informed about what's going on. Thanks again for all your help. I hope I'll be able to give helpful advice to someone here in the future.
