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View Full Version : Sad horse poem

05-31-2001, 09:44 PM
I remember when i first got her,
She was my christmas surprise.
I saw her standing in the stall -
I couldn't believe my eyes.
I remember when i first rode her
Through the woods that saturday.
The snow covered the forest floor
As I rode my beautiful bay.
Sunlight shone around us
As we darted around the trees.
I wanted to ride all day long,
Wishing the day would never cease.
Horse and rider in perfect harmony,
We were united together.
Nothing in our minds but happiness,
It was a day I'll always remember.
And as the years progressed,
Our friendship grew so strong,
We were always seen together,
We had formed a special bond.
All the way from our first horse show
To the Nationals in Greenbay,
We'd been everywhere, seen it all,
Me and my beautiful bay.
And now, because of colic
In my arms her big head lies.
I hear the vet say quietly,
"I think shes going to die."
Her breaths are getting shorter
As her eyelids slowly close.
I whisper to her, "i love you"
Even though she already knows.
As her last breath draws out slowly
And the tears stream down my cheeks,
I rub her white blaze one last time,
So silky smooth and sleek.
- young rider magazine

[ July 24, 2001: Message edited by: horse_1987 ]

06-05-2001, 05:31 PM
OMG that is sooooo sad it almost made me cry and I don't even own a horse!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

07-04-2001, 09:18 AM
I love all animals and that poem just tugged at my heartstrings. I almost cried right at my laptop!!! :( I hope nothing like that will ever happen to anyone. EVER!!!

07-04-2001, 03:14 PM
So beautiful! Thanks for sharing it with us! Even if it did make me cry!

07-06-2001, 09:46 PM
How uncanny . . . it is the eve of my horse's death from colic 1 year ago. I rarely have the time to check out any of the Pet or Dog topics; I mainly focus on the cat related forums. Something made me go looking tonight, and I found this poem. How personally I can relate to such a touching tribute. I could not hold Tim's head, or even have that important physical contact with him during the final moments of his life. When my vet returned and felt that he would never recover, Tim was still standing (such a stoic horse he was!)and the vet instructed me to move away from him while he gave the shot, to prevent injury if he fell toward me. It was instantaneous; Tim was released from his agony, but of course mine has lingered. He lived to be 30-something, and I had him for about 25 years. It is always so difficult to say goodbye, especially when so many years have been shared and so many memories have been made together. It is comforting that he was chosen to be Pet Of The Day on Feb. 6, 2000. http://petoftheday.com/archive/2000/February/06.html In this way he lives on, for others to see and get to know. He will forever dwell within my heart and soul.

[ July 06, 2001: Message edited by: AvaJoy ]

07-06-2001, 10:59 PM
I don't focus on anything, just kinda surf around, going to anything that catches my attention. I count myself lucky I found that poem! It really was very touching. Did it really happen to someone?

Daisy's Mom
07-08-2001, 01:16 AM
AvaJoy, Tim was a beautiful horse. I am sorry for your loss.

07-20-2001, 11:03 PM
sorry but I guess the thing isn't there anymore

07-23-2001, 04:31 AM
Originally posted by horse_1987:

[ July 19, 2001: Message edited by: horse_1987 ]

[ July 19, 2001: Message edited by: horse_1987 ]</STRONG>


07-23-2001, 04:32 AM
i tried to read your poem but could not open it....could you please let me know how to open???even though i am a blk./wht. dog...i am having a blonde moment....thanks,the deli :confused:

07-23-2001, 11:01 PM
oops.. sry about that! :D

[ July 24, 2001: Message edited by: horse_1987 ]