View Full Version : need ideas, options, opinions...

01-20-2005, 07:43 AM
Justin's cousin (who Justin is very close to) is getting married in may, in Maryland. Justin is in the wedding, so he's going, but I'm going to stay home and take care of my babies.
My sister-in-law is getting married in June and the wedding is in Michigan. She asked both Justin and me to be in the wedding, Justin is going to be but I turned her down.
Here is the problem- I want to go to the wedding, but I don't know what to do with my all my babies. I work at a pet boarding facility and I can take some of them there, but not all. Also I feel bad doing that because the Inn (the boarding facility) is always full in June. My boss will lose money by my kids being there because she doesn't charge me.
I could take my dogs to the Inn and then pay a house sitter to come to the house twice a day, but that would be sooo expensive. I usually pay Justin's sister to stay here and take care of everyone, but she's the one getting married. I also have a friend who used to stay here so we could get away, but she moved far away.
Another problem is Izzy, my iguana, and Wyatt, my prairie dog. Izzy doesn't like anyone other than Justin and me, he would probably do alright for a few days though. Wyatt only likes me and he is my big problem, I don't want him to bite anyone.

I'm so stressed, I don't know what to do. I know I have 6 months, but I am a very scheduled person and I have to know ahead of time what I am doing, or I get stressed out.