View Full Version : Spoiled Kitty!

01-19-2005, 11:23 PM
Chuck will not eat his food. It is the same exact food he had since forever, Meow Mix. He has been crying at his bowl for a whole day now. Tonight I finally figured out his problem. If I HAND FEED him one piece at a time, he will eat it. LOL He also needs the light on in the laundry room. Lordy, if you shut if off and walk away, he will cry in the doorway until you come back!
Can you believe this? Anybody else have a *senior* cat that needs the Royal Treatment! And I thought kids were tough! LOL:D

01-19-2005, 11:26 PM
Ripley is pretty spoiled but he's never cried for me to hand feed him. Wonder if something might be up with Chuck and he's trying to tell you?

01-19-2005, 11:32 PM
I don't know! I checked his mouth to see if something was wrong with his teeth or gums, why he dosen't want to eat. I didn't see anything wrong. Not even any tarter on his teeth! i don't know what the problem is. He dosen't get any people food so I know it's not that. I'm stumped.

01-19-2005, 11:37 PM
My RB Ernie would ocasionally cry for company while he ate or used his litter box. He'd cry and cry until I came in and sat next to him, then he was happy as could be and went about his business. Funny how cats are such good people trainers.:D

01-20-2005, 08:44 AM
When I told,mt Dear Mother,that Pouncer,and Scarppy,were not eating,she tpold me,Son,No Cat,is going,to starve,when there is food handy,and she,as always,was right.