View Full Version : How to make homemade Cat beds?

01-19-2005, 07:35 PM
I bought 2 yards of fleece the other day at Wal-mart. I also bought a variety of bandannas and scarves. *the bandannas were only 75 cent a piece:eek: * So I grabbed a bundle to make toys for my kitties. I bought the fleece for the beds. Also I bought 2 packs of stuffing. BUT now I can not find any patterns that I like. I have googled it, but I cant find a good one. Does anyone know of any good sites? I am starting to think that I should have just bought the beds they had, but they did not have very many to choose from... I wanted like a pink one, or something with alot of color. All they had was dark blue and black...Not good with a white kitty. Can anyone help? Thanks, Katie and kitties:D

01-19-2005, 08:55 PM
I used to make kitty beds out of old blankets. Stitch up 3 ends, stuff it really good, throw a little catnip in it, stitch up the end and VOILA!!! One full or queen size comforter works really well too.

01-19-2005, 11:23 PM
What kind of bed are you wanting to make?

See the blue bed in this picture, I made it. It's just a round snuggler type bed.

I made it out of cotton material but I've also made some out of flannel and fleece. Laura's Babies told me how to make it and it was pretty easy. I just bought a sewing machine 3 years ago and taught myself to sew. I can't do much but these beds are pretty easy - basically if I can, anyone can.

01-19-2005, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by moosmom
I used to make kitty beds out of old blankets. Stitch up 3 ends, stuff it really good, throw a little catnip in it, stitch up the end and VOILA!!! One full or queen size comforter works really well too.

I have had some flannel material and polyfil for over a year now ... thinking I was going to make catnip toy pillows. Instead, I think I will just make full-size cat-bed pillows! ;)

01-19-2005, 11:36 PM
I made Chuck a bed out of a old king size bed pillow and covered it with fleece. I sewed velcro on the end to close it and so I can take it off to wash it. He loves it! It is still really squishy and soft and warm!

01-19-2005, 11:55 PM
Thank you all so much for the info. I want to make one like yours jazzcat, but I did not know what to put around the outer edge, to make it stick up and look kind of like their kitty condom, only much bigger/fluffier. All you used was cotton stuffing, like in a bag from walmart?
I also like the comforter idea, because I want something large they can all share in the winter. These are great ideas! Thank you all very much;)

01-20-2005, 12:07 AM
Yes, I just used polyfil to stuff the ring. I used batting in between the two pieces of material for the bottom but if you want it fluffy too just stuff it with polyfil.

Basically I cut out two round pieces of material about 16" in diameter for the bottom and then I cut two long strips about 10" wide (I can't remember how long but I usually cut off quite a bit) sewed them together at the ends, fold them over longways, pin them to the two round pieces with batting between them sew it all together and stuff with polyfil. I pin it all together inside out and sew it and then turn it right side out before I stuff so all the seams are hidden. After I made the first one it was easy but it did take a little time to figure out that first one and get the hang of it.

This is a big fleece one I made and stuffed it all with polyfil.

01-20-2005, 12:24 AM
Your beds look like the ones at Petsmart for 30.00! They are great. I wish I could make mine as nice as the ones you make. Maybe you could start making them and then selling them on ebay, I bet you would make a bunch of money:D Thank you for the info. I think that will be my project while I am in Rocky Mount tomorrow. *hubby has evaluation, and I get stuck in the hotel room with nothing to do* :D

01-20-2005, 08:42 AM
I know a lady,who makes Cat Beds ,with the sewing together,of old blankets,and odds,and ends,from the local textile stores.

01-20-2005, 12:16 PM
I make Ed his custom beds....



01-20-2005, 12:40 PM
I have made a few cat & dog beds in the past and they all love them. What I do is make a cover (similar to a pillow case) with a zippered end.
I cut the bed foam (the egg carton looking stuff) to size & fill the cover with that.

It is really great for arthritic pets too.

01-20-2005, 12:57 PM
Well, I LOVE to sew . . . (i make mostly quilts) . . . and Jazzcat has inspired me!!!

Next time I go to Walmart, I'm picking up some stuff to make a kitty bed!!!

:D :D :D

01-20-2005, 01:12 PM
Here's a link to the post from last year when several of us were making blankets and beds for shelters. On page two about half way down Laura's babies tells how she makes the round beds. That is how I learned to make them so all the credit should go to her.
blankets (

It was a very inspiring thread.

01-20-2005, 01:22 PM
Richard you kill me! LOL

Chuck has one just like that too!

01-20-2005, 01:41 PM
You can make it very simple, just like a pillow, cats love it. Two squares, sew them together on the inside, leave several inches to put in the filling. Put the filling in, finish sewing, and Voila! Get inspired and add some applications if you want.

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-20-2005, 02:47 PM
This thread is VERY inspiring!! In fact, I am planning to go to buy some fabric too, and make two blankets for my cats! I hope to find a cute kitty-print ;) :)

01-20-2005, 02:48 PM
Thank you all for the advice/info. I am going to try to make one tonight. And Richard, how in this world did you get SO amazingly creative. The decorative trim, and the comfy, perfectly square edges? Blows my mind:p Aki- yours is also something to envy;)
Christa- When you get finished with yours, I want to see it:D

01-20-2005, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by kt_luvs_kitties
And Richard, how in this world did you get SO amazingly creative. The decorative trim, and the comfy, perfectly square edges? Blows my mind:p

Origami classes???:confused: ;)

01-20-2005, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
I make Ed his custom beds....



LOL LOL This is about the extent of my talent as well. I'm so sewing declined it's not even funny.

Nice beds everyone! :)