View Full Version : fritz loves snow

01-19-2005, 06:37 PM
Fritz just loves the snow.We got at least 6 maybe 8 inches today.Just loves to run around in it and he'll also smell it and get his nose and whiskers wet.When he come in today,he took off like a crazy man ,snow flying off of him and on to the stairs.he also got in a little mischief today.he grabbed my hat and took off with it,got that from him,then grabbed my mitts,run off them ,then grabbed some kleenex from dad's pants and took off with that.got it from him by showing him a piece.That did the trick.right now,he's getting a little treat of popcorn,which he seems to love.before that he had a sleep under our couch and then went under the blanket to sleep,but as soon as mom went up for the popcorn,out fritz come,waiting for the pocorn.

01-19-2005, 07:38 PM
Six to eight inches is a good deal of snow, especially for a little scamp like Fritz. Good for those black button eyes, nose and leather lips or Fritz would disappear in white on white. Hannah is a winter type personality herself which is why we refer to her as the Polar Dog. Unfortunately she isn't able to convince me to come out to play as much as she used to and Tucker is no fun.

01-19-2005, 08:05 PM
That is how much they got when I was in Arkansas for the holidays and Gracie's first snow..it was to her shoulders but she loved it..