View Full Version : Updating my home computer, ideas?

01-19-2005, 05:31 PM
I'm upgrading my home computer, although I don't use it much, I want one that is pretty good when I do use it. I'm usually only on it for playing & photos since I am also getting a new digital camera soon (so I will have lots of pics to share). Yaay

I want something simple, as I am not too computer literate, but something good.
Has anyone had any luck with the $800ish package deal ones? Like the e-machines at walmart, HP's at circut city, etc... etc...

Do any of you's have any of those?
Or do you have a recomendation for something in that price range?

Just for the record I do not like Dell, I & many many others that I know have had terrible luck with getting the correct items you order & customer service is absolutely horrible.
I don't like Compac

I currently have the HP, Pavilion M50, It is an old work computer that was given to me. I've never really had any major problems with it but it is getting slower & slower despite re-conditioning, servcining etc... It's about4-5 years old

01-19-2005, 06:22 PM
eMachines are great for what you want a computer for. I had one for MANY years before the the modem got fried in an electrical storm. Their tech support can be kinda slow, but all in all it's a very good PC for the money, comes with almost all the software you need for what you want to do. If you're still on dial-up, do invest in a surge protector for your modem - worth the extra $30 or so.

01-20-2005, 09:15 AM
Just bumping because I know there is more than one person out there with a home computer. :)

01-20-2005, 09:22 AM
I was going to suggest Dell . . . but you don't like Dell.

We just got a new Dell in December. I LOVE it! We had only had Compaq's previously and Dells are much better computers . . . haven't had any problems at all with anything.

01-20-2005, 09:55 AM
Well mine came from a place just about 10 miles from my house called the Systemax. They occassionally have them advertised on TV.
We got ours about 4 years ago (paid a bundle for it:o ). We've only had one major problem since we've had it. I like it and it's got tons of space just for what we wanted it for (pictures and music).

I'm sure this didn't help, but just sharing:)

Good luck on your hunt!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-20-2005, 10:11 AM
I agree with RedHedd, for what you are looking for, the relatively cheap emachines should be just what you're looking for. The only thing I would suggest, if you're looking to do pictures and play games, get at least 512 mb of RAM. Forget the 256 or lower. The processor (2.6 GHZ or whatever) is only part of what makes a machine seem "fast" and for pictures and games, it's the RAM that makes the difference. Also, from what I understand, the AMD Athalon processor is a better one than the Intel Celeron. If you must have Intel, pay for the Intel Pentium, but that is going to increase the cost of the machine - sometimes signficantly.

The only thing you might want to check out with the emachines is the ability to upgrade them. Some come "as a package" and don't have extra "slots" inside for upgrading. This may not be an issue for you, and since they are so cheap that if, in a few years, you feel you need faster, you're not losing a ton of money by just getting a new one at that time.

I've always had Gateway at work and when I bought my laptop I stuck with Gateway and I'm extremely happy with them. The few times I've had to use their service, they've been fantastic - although I have to admit that with my laptop I paid for the 3 year warranty.

01-20-2005, 10:51 AM
I wouldn't suggest getting a Dell. They've got horrible service from what I've learned at Planet feedback.
Also, they outsource. But a lot of companies do that these days, unfortunately.
I would go to Best Buy and buy an extended warranty.

01-20-2005, 11:31 AM
Get a Mac and you'll never have any problems.;)