View Full Version : Rumor's kitty cube

01-19-2005, 04:25 PM
Rumor seems to like to hide in things so I thought she might like this bed. It was a hit.

She wouldn't even wait for me to take the tag off.

Ripley wants to give it a try but Rumor's not getting out.

Jazz waited a long time for her turn but finally gave up and started playing with some toys.

I got it at WalMart and I've almost decided I can make a bigger one for Ripley. I don't sew much but I think I could do it, maybe... when the mood hits me some day.

01-19-2005, 04:27 PM
Awwww... she looks so content in her new hidey hole. I also like the plaid on the squared carpet. Cool pattern effect :)

01-19-2005, 04:29 PM
That's adorable, Lori. Wal-Mart? Hmmmm!!!;)

01-19-2005, 04:59 PM
Awww, but Rumor, you're too cute to hide!! Come out! :)

01-19-2005, 05:04 PM
Does Rumor just keep getting more beautiful by the day? And she obviously is getting more spoiled by the hour... :D
I love her little kitty cube, it is very cute. I hope that she decides to share with Ripley and with Jazz. And then I hope that you will post pictures:) *hint hint*

01-19-2005, 05:34 PM
Rumor looks like she's enjoying her new "hide-out" :D, she is so beautiful!

Emma likes to hide too, and does so by going into a box or behind the TV stand ;)

01-19-2005, 05:39 PM
How much was it? I want one!

Brodie likes to get in stuff like that too. :)

01-19-2005, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
That's adorable, Lori. Wal-Mart? Hmmmm!!!;)

My thoughts exactly!:D I wish I knew how many things I have bought after seeing or hearing about them here:rolleyes: But then, isn't that the best advertising - kitty tested and approved by someone you know?!

Rumor looks so content in there. I wonder if anyone else will get a turn? She sure knew what it was, and that it was for HER!:D That's funny!

01-19-2005, 05:50 PM
That is so cute! I've found that normal sized cat stuff won't do for Doogie. He's so long plus a little fluffy(aren't we all?) that if I want something, going to have to have it made. I'm giving that kitty tent to a girl at work that has two baby Persian kittens. He barely fits in it. I'll bet the cats just love that kitty cube.

01-19-2005, 05:57 PM
They really love the catbeds.I love yours.I'll look at Walmart next week.I need 13 of them LOL:D ;) :D
Rumor Does look very happy in there:D

01-19-2005, 06:51 PM
The cube cost $14.96 or something like that, much cheaper than the one I saw at PetsMart but it is a little smaller too. Jazz and Scout also like and it's big enough for them but no way Ripley is fitting in it. Debbie - it ought to be good for everyone but Dylan in your house.

I may try my hand at making a larger one and if it goes well I'll let you all know.

Oh yeah, Ripley decided if he can't get in it he will get on top of it and he crushed it flat. Good thing it's foam. :D

01-19-2005, 09:20 PM
Aww, how very sweet, and Rumor is such a beautiful girl :) Love the look on her face "It's MY cube, mine mine mine".

Ripley decided if he can't get in it he will get on top of it and he crushed it flat.


01-20-2005, 08:52 AM
I got,one,of thoseKitty Cubes,forthe ow Blind Princess,but BoBo,amd Moose,get in there,more often,and once,they are in there,they are there,to stay.And like your Cats,there is a waioting list,to use that,and the Wagon Wheel Bed.You,have GREAT CATS!:D :) :) ;) ;) :cool: :p