View Full Version : Proof that men and women are from different planets.

01-19-2005, 01:28 PM
Or at least my hubby is. Sometimes men just don't get us. Do you have any silly guy stories?


This morning, I was talking to my husband about how this great new lip gloss came out that I just love. (I'm sure he really cared.) Well, being the sweetie he is, he was trying to stay tuned in the conversation.

He goes "Oh, it tastes good?"

I was like "I don't know. :confused: "

"When you eat it, does it taste ok?"

"I don't taste it, Mike."

"What flavor is it?"

"It isn't flavored."

"Then how is it good if it has no flavor? Does it smell good?"

"No. It's good because it stays on and I like the colors."

Frustrated... "I don't understand you women. Why would you buy something to put on your lips that you can't eat?"

I was cracking up because he was so sincere. He honestly didn't get it.


Another time, I came home with a new hair color. My friend had added auburn and blond streaks into my hair.

I said "How do you like this color?"

"It looks really pretty, but she messed up."


"All over."

"What do you mean she messed up, Mike?"

"She missed all kinds of spots...there are all these uneven spots that she missed. They're still yellow and red."

"Those are my streaks, they're supposed to be there."

"On purpose? She messed up on purpose?!"

"It's not a mess up, that's the trend."

"You paid her to mess your hair up? It doesn't even look natural, how can it be a trend? You can tell that it's dyed with those spots."

"Those spots are called streaks."

"Won't you be embarrassed when people find out that you dye your hair?"

"No, Mike. We all dye our hair."

"Ummm ok. I still don't get why you paid her to mess your hair up on purpose. I can't believe how many spots she missed."

*edit* I just remembered, he called them 'stripes' not 'spots'. :D


01-19-2005, 01:40 PM
lol. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v389/funoak/smilies/rofl3.gif

01-19-2005, 01:51 PM
LOL... LOVE the hair story.

Conversation about cat vs. kitten food

Me: Hun you put kitten food in the cats bowl

Him: Hey I fed them

Me: But you fed them kitten food

Him: So what? Allen and Pouncer seem to like it.

Me: Well, then there's also a bowl of kitten food on the floor

Him: I know - Allen and Pouncer couldn't get to their food because the kittens were eating it So I poured some more and put it on the floor so they could get to it.

Me: But Nicki was eating that stuff. Allen and Pouncer didn't eat then?

Him: Guss not.

*hubby walks over to cat bowls. Tosses more KITTEN FOOD into cats bowls*

Me: Thats kitten food again.

Him: So?

Me: Tosses hands up in air and walk away.

*No wonder I spend a small fortune on kitten food and have not bought cat food in a looong while*

01-19-2005, 01:54 PM
If you really want to confuse him, wear a scarf.


01-19-2005, 05:27 PM
MEN...can't live without 'em, can't shoot 'em. Go figure!!

Reminds me of the (really stupid) commercial for Geico Insurance where the guy is reading the paper and his wife comes in wearing a dress...

Wife: "Honey, does this dress make me look fat?"

Husband (who was NOT paying attention): "You betcha!!!"

God I hate those commercials!!

01-19-2005, 05:37 PM
LOL!! I was laughing so hard at all of your stories..

Too funny..... :p

01-19-2005, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by moosmom
MEN...can't live without 'em, can't shoot 'em. Go figure!!

Reminds me of the (really stupid) commercial for Geico Insurance where the guy is reading the paper and his wife comes in wearing a dress...

Wife: "Honey, does this dress make me look fat?"

Husband (who was NOT paying attention): "You betcha!!!"

God I hate those commercials!!

Haha, I love that commercial!

Kim- I can relate to that one! I can't seem to get it across Mike's head that cat food isn't for Sarah.

01-19-2005, 07:58 PM
LOL! That is to funny! Those were great stories you guys thanks for sharing them! LOL! :D

01-19-2005, 08:01 PM
I can relate...men are definately a strange creature!

01-19-2005, 09:00 PM
The TV show "King Of Queens" is a hoot (but also kinda pathetic), and the interactions between the husband and wife sure do portray and accentuate what this thread is all about.:D :( :confused:

01-19-2005, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by AvaJoy
The TV show "King Of Queens" is a hoot (but also kinda pathetic), and the interactions between the husband and wife sure do portray and accentuate what this thread is all about.:D :( :confused:

I love that show! :)

01-19-2005, 10:30 PM
This happened a LONNNNGGG time ago...

When agitated, my dad isn't the clearest of thinkers. I can't remember what he was doing but he knocked a decent sized hole into the garage wall. Well... he found a board (or maybe it was a piece of metal, can't remember) to fix the hole but it was too big. So, instead of cutting the board to fit the hole, he MADE THE HOLE LARGER TO FIT THE BOARD! :eek: :rolleyes:

About this time mom steps out into the garage (a bit horrified but also trying not to snicker) and with every ounce of ewy-gooey sweet motherly wisdom asks, "Honey, why didn't you just cut the board?"

Dad muttered a few obscenities to himself and sheepishly replied, "Didn't think of it..."


01-19-2005, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by jenfer
lol. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v389/funoak/smilies/rofl3.gif

I just had to DITTO this!! :D :D

LOL LOL Thanks for the good laugh!

01-19-2005, 10:59 PM
oh, boy these are the funniest things ever! lol I dont think I have ever laughed so hard in one thread!

01-20-2005, 09:34 AM
Oh! I hole in the wall story reminded me of the studpidest thing my hubby ever did. We were remodeling our bathroom at our old house. Hubby got a hair up his butt to take EVERYTHING to the dump. I told him that it wouldn't all fit in the truck. But he didn't want to take two trips...he insisted. When he gets frustrated, he moves really fast. So he was like running circles around me.

In what seemed like one motion, he piled everything up in the truck, threw the two shower doors on top of the pile, and then got a hammer out and hit them. Somehow in his mind, he thought the shower doors would break up into large pieces. OMG! They shattered into 10 gazillion pieces. And of course, they didn't stay in the truck. We had gazillions of glass shards in our driveway, our grass, our street, the neighbors yard....

We were outside for several hours vacumning our grass. :rolleyes:

PJ's Mom
01-20-2005, 10:05 AM


01-20-2005, 10:47 AM
LOl Tonya - that´s so funny :D

01-20-2005, 11:11 AM
I can identify. Monr doesn't get that we like to change a little from time to time. (must be nice to be so comfortable with yourrself) So every time I color my hair he just ignores it. Not one word ever. My son and daughter have to give me feed back. My son was shocked the lasrt one Dk. Aburn commented a little red mom. It was but now has faded to the color I wanted.
I think my sons spaceship made a long stop at the girl planet as he thinks like us alot. (could be that he had to put up with 35 girls around a lot when he was young as I was agirlscout leader to 35 girls. I alwasys said he would either be more in tuned to girls or hate them ,Luckly the first.)