View Full Version : Shyla and Little Missy

Aspen and Misty
01-18-2005, 05:20 PM
On the way to school today two dog's ran out into the road and just stood there. They almost got hit by alot of cars. So I pulled over, put them in my back seat and drove them back to my house. They are ADORABLE. Shyla is a very Shy German Shepherd and Little Missy is a lovly red Cocker Spanial. :D I don't know the real dog's names, but for now they are Shyla and Missy. I have never seen such lovly dog's, I really enjoy there company. There mom or dad hasn't called the SPCA, any vets or the pet store looking for them yet. They are not microchipped. Shyla is wearing a Black Harness and Missy has a red color. Shyla does have a single tag, but it is so chewed you can't read it at all! Missy has no tag.

Anyway, they are JUST ADORABLE. I will try to post pics on Friday even if they go home by then!


01-18-2005, 05:24 PM
You were very thoughtful to do that for those poor dogs! I hope that they find their owners soon! If they don't get owners are you going to keep them:confused:

01-18-2005, 06:26 PM
Hopefully their owners will contact the local vet and you can find out who they are...shame that someone might be missing their kids tonight but at least you have them in a safe warm place! Kudos to you for taking them in!

Aspen and Misty
01-18-2005, 09:21 PM
Jasmine, AKA Shyla and Little Missy (Don't remember her real name) Both Went home tonight.

What happened was there owner recently moved into town and didn't know his doors very well. When he went out the basement door to get to his car to go to work, he didn't close it tightly. He went to work and when he came home he was frantic! He looked all over the neighborhood for them and then called the SPCA who told him I had his dogs. He went ahead and called and he came to pick them up. He was almost in tears at the sight of his "sweet baby girls" (his words) safe and sound and outta the cold. He was very gratful and gave me 60 dollars for my trouble (even though I refused and told him it was no trouble!)

Anyway, supposubly the two of them are getting "extra nummy treats tonight" (again, his words not mine :D ).
