View Full Version : Oh, Roxy!

01-18-2005, 04:09 PM
My dear Roxy, why is she such an airhead? We went to the dogpark today to find that the fence had blown down. It was the dog's first time out in a while, so I couldn't let them down.

So, I took them to an area that is going to be a housing development near my house. It seemed perfect. It is nothing but dirt and streets. No one drives on the streets because the construction hasn't started on the houses yet. So, no cars, no animals, nothing! To top it off, there are open trenches along the sides of the roads, so it actually keeps (or should keep) Roxy and Dusty with me. The trench would stop them from running off if you know what I mean.

To be safe, I only let one off leash at a time. (They're even more unlikely to run off if they can't be together.) Dusty's turn was first. It worked great. I walked laps around the blocks while Dusty ran along side me. He'd run up to the trenches, look in, and then come back to me.

After about 20 minutes, I decided it was Roxy's turn and set her free. :rolleyes: As usual, she was happy as can be, leaping and running all around, running circles around me as I walked. She ran up to the trenchs a few times, looked in, and came back.

Then, she ran full speed and PLOP! She VANISHED! The silly girl ran right into the trench. (Don't worry, they're only about 4 feet deep and the dirt is very soft from all the rains.) The sides were steep, so I had to get her to walk quite a ways until we got to the end of the trench where she could get out.

Whatta dummy!

01-18-2005, 04:27 PM
Your dogs always make me laugh. Roxy is such a goof-ball.

01-18-2005, 06:16 PM
LOL.. That is so funny!! Roxy! THINK before you do something!!

01-18-2005, 06:20 PM
lmao.. I can totally imagine Roxy just jumping in! she sounds really goofy :)

Are you feeling better, Tonya? ^^ you guys missed the meeting yesterday.. it was really fun!! It'd be awesome if you could come to the next Norcal meeting

01-18-2005, 08:43 PM
lol! lol! lol! Poor Roxy!

"Did you have a nice trip, girl?? See you next fall!"

hehe, I just couldn't help that one! ;) :p

01-18-2005, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by CountryWolf07
LOL.. That is so funny!! Roxy! THINK before you do something!!


Think BEFORE you LEAP.

01-18-2005, 08:58 PM
I've said this before, but I think it's even more true now...Earle and Roxy need to meet! They must be long lost relatives! They'd definately be best friends. I love Earle dearly and often wish I had more dogs like him, but ain't the brightest crayon in the box!:p

01-18-2005, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by bckrazy
lmao.. I can totally imagine Roxy just jumping in! she sounds really goofy :)

Are you feeling better, Tonya? ^^ you guys missed the meeting yesterday.. it was really fun!! It'd be awesome if you could come to the next Norcal meeting

I'm feeling the same...like a stuffed turkey! I'm no longer on bedrest, so that is good. Just waiting for baby to come out.

01-18-2005, 09:31 PM
Roxy your so silly!:D

01-18-2005, 10:06 PM
:D Kirby kinda did the same thing with our ditch. although it was very different. there was lots of snow on the ground and ya coudlnt even tell there was a trench there anymore.. and Kirby started off full speed to chase some deers and went splat into the ditch. he was so embarrest that he forgot about the deers and his games. LOL

01-18-2005, 10:54 PM
What, Tonya, you want beauty AND brains in one package? We can't all be perfect! ;) Oh, Roxy, sweetie, I can sympathise. Some of us are just "leap before we look" folks!

01-18-2005, 11:04 PM
Of course she ran full speed ahead---it's the husky thing to do! Glad she didn't injure herself, goofy dog! In fact, she probably thought it was FUN! At least you were right, kept her from running off!