View Full Version : Do You Like Your Job?

K & L
01-18-2005, 03:12 PM
Who's happy in their job? I'm beginning to really hate mine and dread going to work every day. Mine is SO stressful and it just doesn't feel worth all the stress! What do you do though when you're not far from retirement, and would be foolish to quit? Anyway just wondering how many out here are happy in what they're doing?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-18-2005, 03:20 PM
No. But, actually, this is quite a difficult question. I would give my job up in a heartbeat if I came across something else that 1)paid as much 2)offered as much free time so I can sit here on PT all day if I want 3)didn't have the commute that this one did 4)offered as much time off as this one does 5)allowed me to wear blue jeans to work everyday if I want to....and so on.

Lisa, Terry is 1 year and 8 months from retirement, and then we're going full-time in the motorhome, so I know what you mean about being too close to retirement to quit now. There are so many days that either one of us - or both of us - come home and want to chuck it all and leave right now! But since I'm still here, you can see that sanity has prevailed - drat! On bad days, the only thing that keeps us going is knowing that it will all be over soon. On good days, I sometimes think I'm crazy for giving up a good thing for the unknown, but then I have a bad day and I'm otta here!

So hopefully you will have more good days than bad, and the thought that it's almost over can keep you going through the bad days. :)

01-18-2005, 03:21 PM
I HATED my job until they "let me go" over a year ago. Now I am trying to start my own business... which is insane to try in this economy :rolleyes: but I have not regeretted it for a moment. We might be broker than broke, but I am happier than I have been in a loooong time. I lvoe what I do and am always on the lookout for the next big project to work on.

01-18-2005, 03:22 PM
This is a toughie.
I'm an office manager for my fathers business.
The actual job itself is not so bad just that it is very very boring and almost all of my people interaction is on the phone. I have good perks like my dogs come to work with me and I can do anything at work as long as I get the job done. the scenery & location itself is nice but it is a very long drive, 45 minutes in excellent weather with no traffic.
I guess I like some hate some. The boring part is what bothers me the most, which is why I will be looking for a new job soon.

01-18-2005, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
I HATED my job until they "let me go" over a year ago. Now I am trying to start my own business... which is insane to try in this economy :rolleyes: but I have not regeretted it for a moment. We might be broker than broke, but I am happier than I have been in a loooong time. I lvoe what I do and am always on the lookout for the next big project to work on.

Just wondering what you do?

01-18-2005, 06:35 PM
I love my job, just wish it paid more..I get paid for 9 and half months spread out over 12 months (school) so that makes for a pretty small monthly check..but its laid back ...I can play on puter all I want...I have 2 wonderful bosses...a nice office..take off when I want...pretty low stress...

01-18-2005, 06:37 PM
I love doing research, just wished I got paid more as a graduate student. I've learned so many new techniques that will benefit my career but yes, it gets frustruating when things don't work.

01-18-2005, 06:43 PM
I like mine so far we will see how it goes as I this year am in full charge of the gift shop. My boss will be near by but I have to deal with the emplyee diffefnces. and tourist complaints.

01-18-2005, 07:03 PM
Yup! I actually love my job. I get paid pretty good (just got a raise last month!), and I love my co-workers.. :) The only thing that bugs me are annoying and stupid customers who ask like a billion stupid questions when the answer is RIGHT in front of their eyes.. :rolleyes: But then we also get some great customers too.. :)

01-18-2005, 07:34 PM
Funny that you asked this today, Lisa, because just a minute ago, Scott handed me his W-2 to put in the tax file, and he said it was the most money he had ever made, and I said "you're worth a lot more than that" (yes, I know, we're terribly sappy :o ). He said that it no longer matters to him. He is as happy as he has ever been, and I think that what he was really saying is that work is work and it's nice to get paid well for it, but our family and home is what matters and he is happy, which makes me happy. :)

As for my job, I think I might finally be where I belong after two years of mess. I'm still "new" to this company, but I love what I do, and the more I can do, the more people can be helped and the more money I make, which makes everyone happy! :)

01-18-2005, 07:54 PM
Yes, I love my job.
Hubby and I own our business. He says I am the Boss, I say he's the Boss... We make backstage passes, security badges, those well sought after Laminated passes. We also put together and print Tour Interaries for muscians and work with the small local bands in our area. It's hard work and we are constantly busy, but we enjoy what we do. Our job is passion based.
The down side to what we do is, everyone who ask's, "Can ya get me in to meet the stars" or "You work with Them!? You MUST make lots of money!" Sorry to say, No we don't and NO I can't let you in to see So& SO Please Do Not Ask.
There are some cool perks that go with our jobs, I do have a couple of Platnium awards on my walls from some of the artists we've worked with. Coolness factor, yes way cool, but the upside to the work we do?
The things I love the best about what we do...
I've done passes for peoples weddings, anniversaries, small bands, bar mitzvahs... and it's the e-mails I get from those clients Thanking me for making Them shine. For making Them look cool, or for being a part of their special day. Those are the clients I love and am Most thankful for. They make me love what I do. They make the long hours and hard work worth it in the end.

01-18-2005, 08:03 PM
I guess I like it but a long time ago I loved it. I've been doing it for 17 years. The minus is lots of stress. But, the pay is great and it does have a lot of pluses. Where else can I work where I can surf the net, craft, crochet, when I'm not busy? I would love to have my own business where I could be with my dear Duke all day long. I've started making my own cards and love doing that. My real dream is to be around animals(preferably dogs) all day. I would love to live and work at Best Friends in Utah and it's been in the back of my mind to contact them. I wish I had a good hubby so I could have an extra income. That would help out a lot. That's not likely to happen, though. So, for now, I'm staying put. Got to think about retirement and all that, too.

01-18-2005, 08:04 PM
I do like my job.

For four and a half years I worked at a research company and I enjoyed the work, but really disliked one of the woners and themanager. They could easily make life miserable. I loved the people I worked with (and I still keep in touch with them), but needed to get out.

I started a new job about 9 months ago, and instead of working in the lab, I review the data generated by the chemists and write reports based on their findings. While I am not a manager by along shot, it is more of a supervisory position. I get to talk to clients and see many interesting medical devices. I am much more busy at my new job, then I ever was at my old one, and I don't always like the longer hours...but I liket he paycheck and the work, so I guess overall I can't complain too much.

01-18-2005, 08:06 PM
I don't exactly have the best job, but I love it. I studied music performance and couldn't find a job to save my life, so now I work at Starbucks. I'm one of those rare people that loves customer service. I really enjoy meeting new people, and seeing our regular customers every day. I really like working at the bar, especially when it's really busy. I love all the people I work with, and think my boss is great.

The good thing about working for Starbucks is that there is a lot of room for advancement. So hopefully I can move my way up and eventually start making a decent amount of money.

For now, I'm really happy so I guess I can't complain.

01-18-2005, 08:22 PM
Today is my 24th anniv. at the same place. I've been on vacation for the past month and have to go back tomorrow. But I guess it beats not having one, but not by much.

01-18-2005, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by lv4dogs
Just wondering what you do?
I'll get back to you on that one when I figure it out myself! ;)

I am a commerical interior designer by training. I do that freelance. I also do pencil renderings of babies and animals (NEVER EVER an adult human EVER again! :mad: They have no conception of their wrinkles, squinty eyes, or double chins!) I wold love to get into doig animal related crafts full time - I have an idea for a new type of scratching post never before seen designed specifically for small rooms or apartments... more on that one once I get the details hammered out. ;)

01-18-2005, 08:52 PM
I love my job! :D It doesn't sound that glorious but I love going to work. I work at a cafe in a movie theatre. I'm hoping to cross train and start branching out and doing other things (box office, bar, pizza hut). I have two days off and am dreading every minute of it. :p

01-18-2005, 09:22 PM
I don't just LOVE my job, I loooooooooove my job! :rolleyes: I work for a small company, very diverse and anything but boring. Yes, it has it's days but most of the time, I dont want to coem home. :o

01-19-2005, 09:42 AM

I work in a restaurant, and I'm getting burned out. This time of year, things are really slow, and the money's not great. It is hard having a job where your income depends on people's moods:mad:

I'm trying to figure out right now exaclty what else I can do with myself.

01-19-2005, 09:47 AM
LOVE my job and my coworkers. :)

I'm just unsure if it pays enough to support a family. Thinking about going back to school to get a B.A. so I can officially ask for a raise. :)