View Full Version : This was just too funny!

01-17-2005, 09:52 PM
:D :p It was saturday morning and I had to wake up to go to work and I woke up to Harmanie laying on my stomach and her paw was in my mouth. I was like----eeeew...:p .....I got to go take a shower and Harmanie was chasing across the house into the kitchen to the bathroom. She was jumping on my leg. Finally I gave her to my dad and said just hold on to her until I go into the shower. Then the kitten got in it to. ( we had two kittens left from harmanies litter, we are keeping one of them. His name is Jamice) Well anyway, He ran all the way from my room to the bathroom and jumped right into the bathtub!:p I was like, I don't believe this!!! My parents were laughing sooo hard. I took Jamice out of the bathtub and gently tossed him to the side. Then I heard my dad go,"get her, go get her!" Then you would hear "thump--thump---thump---thump" Harmanie ran at me full speed and Jumped into the bathtub. Jamice was like,"hey what about me" so he jumped in right after her.
I was just like---ummmm----how about no you crazy cats! I went into the kitchen and I put food in there bowl. FINALY! I thought. They left me alone.

Its amazing what cats will do for the food.:) :p :D :D

01-17-2005, 10:21 PM
LOL! When my daughter was younger, she would get so mad because Chuck would alway jump in the bathtub with her!

She would be yelling, MOM! CHUCK'S IN MY BATH AGAIN!

When I went in there, he would be paddling arougd in the tub! Crazy kitty!

01-17-2005, 10:24 PM
hahaha! Thats funny!:p :D I don't think that Harmanie or Jamice would appreciate it if I put water in the tub! lol! :D

01-17-2005, 10:36 PM
Chuck is the only cat that I have know to actually like water. On the occasion that I have to bathe him, he will stand under the faucet in the bathtub and let the water run over him or lay down. The worst is, when I fill up his water bowl, he will SIT IN IT, and then jump in my lap on the sofa soaking wet just pleased as can be!

01-18-2005, 08:55 AM
JJJ3,runs into the shower,once in a while,as it is dying down,and the thought,of bathtub Cats,is very,very Funneeee...