View Full Version : My new birdies!!

01-17-2005, 09:20 PM
Yay, my two new birdies. I've had parakeets before, but they weren't as nice as these. I got a little "girl" who is unamed at this moment. She's mostly white with some blue on her back and forehead and has a like a ring of blue on her neck that ends at the throat.??? And a little "boy" who has yellow on his face, blue belly and back, with like really light grey on hes head and wings. They are still babies so I'm not sure their gender for positive. How long till their ceres turn brown/tan or blue? They are so nice, they actually let me put them on my finger, and they don't bite. My goal is to teach them to talk. Anyway here's some low-qual pics.lol. Enjoy.

My unamed girl, any suggestions?

My boy, I think I'll name him Napoleon Dynamite.hehe.

01-17-2005, 09:24 PM
congrats!! :D

if you name the boy 'Napoleon Dynamite', you should name the girl 'Deb' or 'Trisha' :D

01-20-2005, 07:01 PM
Yeah, I'm calling the girl Deb, but I'm not sure if that's her name for sure yet.lol. I'm also still curious as to how long till their ceres turn to the adult color?? Also, if anybody could give some advice on hand training' or teaching how to talk, I would really appreciate it. About how many words do they learn??

01-20-2005, 07:34 PM
Birds can learn many many words. I believe there was a Budgie who learned an amazing 500 words....(I think).

Very pretty girl. Not Albino, though, so sexing her should be fairly easy. Differentiating genders are typically harder with Inos and a few other mutations.

Perhaps you can turn on the flash and take a picture of them again?

Currently, it does indeed look like a girl and boy. Generally, it takes up to two months after weaning to tell the gender for sure. Girlies tend to have light colored, whitish ceres as young 'uns. Males tend to have dark pink/light purple ceres as newly weaned chickies.;) Once the girlies hit birdie puberty, their ceres turn a dark chocolate brown (about 6 months to a year).

As for tips on training, one book: Guide to a Well Behaved Parrot by Mattie Sue Athan. Wonderful book!

01-22-2005, 02:32 PM
Sorry, don't have flash. But I looked at their ceres and the girl does have white and the male has like a bright bluey. Thanx for the help.