View Full Version : Talking of kitchen cleaning...

01-17-2005, 08:29 PM
We have the grossest stove top. The kids NEVER wipe down the stovetop when they cook, and by the time I go to clean it, its dried up and now impossible to clean... any suggestions on how to clean up the dried on brown/black gunk? Our stove is a gas stove.

I've tried a few de-greasers to no avail. Any homemade remedy? Or a store remedy you swear by that I didn't try?

01-17-2005, 08:44 PM
I swear by amonia. I use it for everything, usually diluted, but not always. It just depends on how hard the dirt is to remove. Let it sit a few minutes and use a scrubby to wipe it off. Sometimes I even use scrubbing bubbles to clean the cooked on stuff.

My two main cleaning supplies are amonia and comet. All the other products contain varying amounts of one them. Just don't ever mix the two! :eek: Hard lesson learned there! LOL

01-17-2005, 08:55 PM
I've tried comet and it started to scratch the surface. Even soft scrub scratched the porcelain (is that what it is?) Comet and Mr. Clean are my two big weapons. I love how Mr. Cleans smells and a bottle of it lasts forever (unless the kids use it and its gone in one afternoon... the concept of it ebing concentrated is completely lost on them :rolleyes: )

I have tried to not use ammonia because of the cats - since their pee has amonia in it, I've always been afraid they'll try to spray where I've cleaned with amonia to leave their own mark.

01-17-2005, 08:59 PM
My dad (being an appliance man, since forever.. :p )

Said to use oven cleaner and leave it on over night, then try wiping it off.
You may have to confine the kitties for the night, though!

If it's porecelain it shouldn't scratch.

01-17-2005, 09:00 PM
I don't think the amonia would attract the cats to mark, if you rinsed it off, which you would want to do anyway to avoid he film it might leave. It never caused any of my cats to spray.

Comet is only good when the bleach factor is needed. You can also try dishwasher detergent. Not dishwashing liquid, I mean the stuff for the diswasher. Of course, it has to be the liquid kind. It has some powerful detergents in it, as well as bleach. I don't know how long you wold want to leave it on there, though. It might be corrosive if left too long.

01-17-2005, 09:04 PM
I thought of oven cleaner... but then again I can't because of the cats. They NEVER get up on the stove, but that ONE time they get up will be the time I have the oven cleaner on it! Closing the cats for a room the night is near impossible, especially the youngest oens because they are like bullets zinging from one end of the house to the other from about 10:00 - midnight or later. There is no door that closes off the kitchen from the rest of the house. Maybe put baking pans upside down over the burners?

Hmmm... maybe if I break open one of my dishwashing gel packs and squeeze it over the bunrer? Worth a shot!

01-17-2005, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
Maybe put baking pans upside down over the burners?

Good Idea!! I'm paranoid though, so I'd put something on top of the pans to make sure they can't be moved, scooted, or knocked off. :)

01-17-2005, 09:34 PM
Believe it or not, I have used toothpaste to clean my stove top! It is not abrasive to scratch and works really good. Also a paste of baking soda can be used. I always save old toothbrushes for cleaning stuff like this because you can really get into the cracks. I also use baking soda and boiling water or baking soda and vinegar to unclog drains in my bathtub and sinks. .
Thank goodness for Heloise!