View Full Version : Sabotage!!

01-17-2005, 01:41 PM

I started changing my eating habits last month (I refuse to call it a "diet"). Anyway, my co-workers all know about it: they've noticed me bringing in my lunch now instead of heading to Wendy's, I'm avoiding things like the soda and candy machines and our usual pizza lunch on Fridays. I've lost 9 pounds since Dec. 1st. So, today my co-worker comes in and gives me....

a GINORMOUS Hershey's bar!!!!!!!

The thing is 6 oz of pure chocolate, and weighs in at a staggering 920 calories and 52 grams of fat (36 of which are saturated fat)!!!!! And it's just sitting here STARING at me, begging me to just try a little piece. :( I have not eaten much chocolate at all since I started this - I am a major choco-holic!!! I told him, "Thank you, it's very sweet of you, but I can't eat this; I'm on a diet." He said, "I know, I know, but you deserve it. Eat it."

So now, here I am. I can't bear to throw the thing away, and I'm dying to try a corner...but I know once I try it, I'll probably eat the whole thing.

:( :( :(

Why would he do this to me? I guess he's trying to be nice...but this is torture!

01-17-2005, 01:43 PM
Hey you hang in there!!!!
9 pounds is great!
Put that candy bar up! lol

01-17-2005, 01:44 PM
Take a small chunk and put the rest in the staff coffee room with a note to "please help yourself!". That's what I did when a client gave me a big box of chocolates (I'm trying to eat better too). I picked out my favorites (the cherries) and shared the rest.

01-17-2005, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by lizzielou742

Your THINsperation: I've lost 9 pounds since Dec. 1st.

And if that didn't help, your EXTRA THINsperation: The thing is 6 oz of pure chocolate, and weighs in at a staggering 920 calories and 52 grams of fat (36 of which are saturated fat)!!!!!

His reason? Probably Jealousy :p : He said, "I know, I know, but you deserve it. Eat it."

YOUR reason for sticking to your PLAN!: So now, here I am. I can't bear to throw the thing away, and I'm dying to try a corner...but I know once I try it, I'll probably eat the whole thing.

ignore it now and pretty soon youll be bragging about the 15 pounds youve lost :D :cool:

Toby's my baby
01-17-2005, 01:56 PM
haha, maybe you should frame it, then in a few months give it back to him, and tell him how much weight you lost by not eating that retched thing! :p, then tell him to help himself! :D

01-17-2005, 01:58 PM
umm you could send it to me! I'll treasure it until it's gone!:D

01-17-2005, 02:04 PM
:D I feel your pain! I gave up drinking my brand of iced sweet tea right before Christmas and lost 15 pounds without changing anything else. My family still drinks the tea so its around me all the time. Last night I woke up from a "nightmare" where I drank a glass of it. YUMMMYYY I dreamt, and ran to get another glass, then another, then another. I actually woke with a start and my heart was pounding! :D

PJ's Mom
01-17-2005, 02:29 PM
Give it to him next Christmas. :D

01-17-2005, 02:49 PM
Oh, just eat it!

LOL . . . we changed our eating habits last February. It was a serious "lifestyle change", more than anything! Completely gave up fast food, soda, and sugar. I cook every night . . . lean meats, whole grains, lots of fruits and veggies. I weight train 3 days a week, cardio 5 days a week, and do kick-boxing twice a week.

But remember, you're not on a "diet"!!! You have to reward yourself every now and then . . . heck, I reward myself at least once a week! LOL I've lost 22 pounds since June . . . my sweet rewards haven't set me back.

You just gotta remember one little word . . . Moderation!

Eat a piece every now and then, as a treat for yourself, after a hard workout . . . it's not going to sabotage your new healthy lifestyle! Trust me!

You like chocolate? I've got a great recipe for AWESOME cookies that are semi-low in fat. And they're soooo yummy! I'll find it and post it . . .

edit: If you're afraid that it will sabotage your eating habits, throw it away! But you don't have to completely give up chocolate. Have you ever had Blue Bunny Brownie Fudge Fantasy Frozen Yogurt??? YUM!!! And it has 0 fat & 110 cals. That's my main source for a chocolate fix!

01-17-2005, 04:09 PM
I loved Glacier's idea of taking a small portion for you and putting the rest of it in the break area with the "help yourself" sign. Perfect! You get your little "fix" and others get to enjoy it without tempting you any more.


01-17-2005, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by christa

Have you ever had Blue Bunny Brownie Fudge Fantasy Frozen Yogurt??? YUM!!! And it has 0 fat & 110 cals. That's my main source for a chocolate fix!

YUM, that sounds good! I haven't had those. I'll look for them next time I go to the store! I just keep the Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches in my fridge for a sugar fix.

I haven't touched the Hershey's bar yet - I hid it in my desk and left it at work. I think I'm getting a little paranoid - I ate 1,450 calories yesterday - 150 calories over my limit - and I nearly convinced myself I ruined my diet and was going to gain 5 pounds overnight. Then I thought about it and realized no one can count every calorie that does into their mouth and be perfectly within their limits 100% of the time.

I'm kinda being lazy tonight, actually, because I have a headache and it's super-freezing outside and I really really don't want to go work out. I might just do a 45-minute yoga video, some crunches, and go to bed. That's an impressive amount of cardio you do, Christa!!! Congrats on the weight loss! :) I am lucky if I do 30 minutes of running or walking four times a week. But it's better than nothing! :)

Thanks for listening, guys! :)

01-17-2005, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by lizzielou742
That's an impressive amount of cardio you do, Christa!!! Congrats on the weight loss! :)

Thanks . . . I just put on a pair of pants today that I haven't been able to wear since before we got married (year and a half ago)

But I have to say that exercise is the key! And seriously, I've yet to count a calorie . . . I mean, I look at the packaging to see what it's got . . . but I don't count during the day . . . it really just amounts to eating RIGHT and exercising!

I was glad that you didn't mention the low carb "diet" or the adkins "diet" . . . :rolleyes: You're doing it the right way!

My hubby is in the process of becoming a certified personal trainer . . . that helps me a little too ;)

01-17-2005, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by christa
Thanks . . . I just put on a pair of pants today that I haven't been able to wear since before we got married (year and a half ago)

Yay, skinny jeans!!!!! Don't you love that!!! :D :D :D Congrats!