View Full Version : I know this is bad..but I have a complaint.

01-17-2005, 01:10 PM
OKAY-I love my Shadow but I'm SSSOOOOOO tired of her pooping on the floor. We've done the vet thing and she is fine. She didn't poop a single day I was gone for Christmas, which she normally does to get back at us for leaving her. :rolleyes: I cleaned their litter and the next morning she pooped. ARGH! How hard is it to stay in the litter box? She did it for two weeks while I was gone, and I know she gets at least 75% of my attention compared to the other two. I don't know what her problem is..LOL she is partially nawtee I guess.

We've had issues with her peeing when she gets mad. I try to remedy whatever the situation is that is upsetting her and then she won't do it for MONTHS...but why the poop thing? I guess I would rather her poop than pee on my floor, but still.

She's supposed to be my good girl; the other two are desperately nawtee and I thought at least...one...could be good. LOL oh well.

01-17-2005, 01:25 PM
I had a poop outside the box problem with Gabriel. Granted Gabe is blind and part of his problem originates with his being blind but by watching him closely I learned that some things I was doing was part of the problem.

First how many litter boxes do you have? I have 7 boxes set up in my basement and they were all lined up close together. I learned that Gabe needed a little extra privacy so I moved three of the boxes to "quiter" locations.

What type of litter do you use? I used regular clay litter before getting Gabe and learned that he preferred scoopable litter...so I now use only scoopable.

How often do you clean the boxes? I was cleaning my boxes by scooping out the poop and pee every night. I learned that Gabe is very upset by a "dirty" box and therefore I now need to scoop in the morning and at night.

He also likes a high litter level....he does not like to go to the bathroom in minimal litter.

With Gabe being blind his sense of smell is unlike anything I have seen and that is part of the pooping problem.

I too would rather have a pooping problem than a peeing problem...it's easier to clean. :rolleyes:

I hope some of this helps. I know that I was at my whits end with pooping too so I feel your pain. :( :(

01-17-2005, 02:00 PM
I notice Allen does his poop-outside-the-box thing when I have not kept the bathroom box as clean as he prefers it (as in - if I don't remove any and all clumps down to the smallest clumps.) When he has to poop, he wants the box clean clean clean. THEN the brat refuses to cover it. This is his dominance thing. He doesn't want his smells co-mingling with the other poop in the box, and when he does poop oin the box he wants it left on top & uncovered to be smelled by all. Harry and Abby are very sweet and cover it for him once he leaves! :D :p

Is Shadow the Queen Bee cat? Who is the aplha cat in your household? If she is, then you might have the same situation as what I have with Allen.

01-17-2005, 02:01 PM
Box location can be important too. What if you move the box closer to the poop-zone?

If its not that, than could it be a dominance issue? I've heard that sometimes kitties don't cover their poop as a signal to others that they are in charge.

good luck.

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-17-2005, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by catland

If its not that, than could it be a dominance issue?

I think this is it!

01-17-2005, 02:46 PM
Poor Shadow is the lowest on the totem pole. She gets picked on by both kitties :( but Whisper especially is bad. He attacks her on an hourly basis.

We only have two litter boxes. I live in a small home and the rest of the house except the kitchen and laundry room are carpeted. :rolleyes: I would have more but have no space.

Also, she is pooping right IN FRONT of the litter box. No where else in the house...she's a strange girl.

01-17-2005, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by catland
If its not that, than could it be a dominance issue? I've heard that sometimes kitties don't cover their poop as a signal to others that they are in charge.

In our case it's being lazy. LOL
Thumper did it until RBButterscotch showed her how to bury.
Eleanor just doesnt have "the time" to bury she is to much in a hurry and also wants to toxic waste smell the whole room instead. :D