View Full Version : Idea for Cat article

01-17-2005, 11:41 AM
Hello everyone. I don't usually frequent the cat side, but I need some suggestions. I am in charge of our organization's newsletter and every month we have a feature article. Since we are a dog and cat rescue organization, I like to rotate the feature each month. Last month I did an article on the Pit Bull Myth, so this month I want to do an article about a cat issue. Here are a few of the ideas I had, I was wondering what all you guys thought:

1. Keeping cats indoors during extreme cold or extreme snow. I know that some people let their cats out (and I do not want to get into the indoor/outdoor debate) but I do think that with the area we live in, that people should be aware of the dangers of letting cats out during extreme weather.

2. TAR - Trap/Alter/Release

3. Cat Enrichment - a review of interactive toys or habitats for cats.

4. The importance of yearly vet check-ups, especially if you have an indoor/outdoor cat.

Any thoughts, other ideas, etc. would be greatly appreciated.


01-17-2005, 11:53 AM
Sre you in a rural area with a big feral population? If so, then I'd go with the TAR story, with the importance of keeping your personal cats indoor during the extreme cold. That way you can smoothly tie in the imporance of keeping cats in and the importance of TAR. How long will the article be? A page or a short essay?

01-17-2005, 03:37 PM
The article will be about 3/4 page (approx. 500 words). We are in an urban area - so not the same feral cat problems as in rural areas, but we do know there are feral cat communities living in abandoned warehouses in the city.

01-17-2005, 05:42 PM
I currently volunteer for a TNR organization and you would be amazed at the number of homeless kitties in rural areas. :( I also live in a college town so we have issues with students dumping their cats when they leave for vacations or whatever. I live in a mobile home park with a bunch of other studnets and our TNR has worked great in this area. The number of unneutered/spayed cats has drastically decreased..it's amazing.

You might want to write an article on the successes of TNR org. The University of Florida's CatNip clinics run every months; last month they neutered 230?? something cats in the one clinic alone and they have neutered over 11,000 cats since the beginning of the project. I went there over the summer to one clinic to attain blood samples and the number of cats just kept pouring in. They still have a long list of names but at least they are making a dent in a population otherwised uncontrolled.

01-18-2005, 09:04 AM
i have that problem,as there are people,up the street,who have Cat,andthen wont spay,or neuter them,and leave the cATS,TO THIER OWN DEVICES,AND i END UP FEEDING THEM,AND ONCE IN A WHILE REHOMING THEM.iF i COMPALIN,THE cATS,MIGHT BE CONFISCATED,AND PUT DOWN,SO i KEEP QUIET.