View Full Version : kristl ... can we see more Mason pics?

01-16-2005, 04:25 PM
Your Mason looks so much like a combination of my recent RB kitty Tucker, and my current (Tucker look-a-like) Ditto!

I would love to see alot more pics of Mason, to see how much he really looks like them.

Here are a few pictures of my precious heart kitty, RB Tucker Man ... who just passed in November. I have still not completely healed from his loss, and adopted my Ditto to be a memorial to him. Oddly, Ditto has a very close resemblance in temperament and personality as my Tucker. Ditto is a real blessing.





and here is my new "Ditto" kitty:



01-16-2005, 05:09 PM
all Ditto needs is a bit of shoepolish on his nose!!:p That first one of Tucker is stunning - is that the one that Catnapper drew for Cats4Keeps??

01-16-2005, 05:57 PM
both kitties are awfully cute. Ditto is such a cute name too! I want a black and white kitty so bad.

01-16-2005, 07:50 PM
sure thing...just let me find some and I'll post them asap...kitten pics too...it'll be all attachments though because apparently i am not smart enough to do it the other way. :D But for now....

01-16-2005, 08:58 PM
Awww, he is so pretty ... he is short-haired though, huh? Doesn't he have a fluffy tail though? Doesn't matter, he is still a "Hunk"!!!;)