View Full Version : Do Names Make the Person?

01-16-2005, 12:47 PM
I'm kind of inclined to think they do. The twin thread got me thinking on this again. I've thought about it often. My mom was originally told she was going to have twins, but later in the pregnancy, it was just me. I think that's called a vanishing twin. Anyway, one of the other names my parents were going to use was Melody. I have often through my whole life wished I was named that because I feel that my life would have turned out totally different and better in a lot of ways. I guess some may think it's weird but I wondered how many other people thought the way I did.

01-16-2005, 01:08 PM
That could be true... but I believe everything happens for a reason... ;) I think you're great the way you are! :)

The doctors had told my mom I was going to be a boy, so she bought all this blue stuff for me... Then when I was born, I ended up being a girl. :p I wonder how different my life would have been if I had actually been a boy.

My mom told me she was going to name me Anna (pronounced like awn-na)... Now you got me thinking!

01-16-2005, 01:12 PM
I really am not sure on this one, never given it much thought, a name is just a name to me, however my daughter Melissa's name is greek and means honeybee, and her name suits her perfect, she can be a real sweetie, but has a bit of a sting to her, I jokingly say, I think some people's names just suit them better.

I don't think if I had been named something else , my life would have turned out any differently.:)

01-16-2005, 01:16 PM
My mom was going to name me Ashlee. I dont know how my life would have been different though. But I'm glad my mom named me Amber though.

01-16-2005, 01:39 PM
Yes. I was nearly Debra! Mom wanted to call me Debbie. I have had so many people tell me over the years that I look like a Debbie.

I once had a friend named Nancy... I INSISTED on calling her Linda. She kept correcting me, and I kept making the same mistake. Later when I finally got it right and we became friends, she asked me where I came up with the name Linda. I said "I don't know, you look like a Linda more so than a Nancy." She said "Thats funny because my sister is Linda." She showed me a picture and even though she was older, they looked like twins.

I think names do make a person. You tend to grow to fit your name. Look at the cartoon "Recess" where they have "the Ashleys" well, evry Ashley looks and acts alike, exept one who fought the "ashley" way of life :D

01-16-2005, 01:47 PM
My parents were going to name me Diane. That was until my Mom found out that my father had an ex-girlfriend named Diane. They decided to name me after my father's deceased older brother, Donald Edward. My name is Donna Ellen. Do I think my life would've been different? I guess I'll never now. I believe that life is what you make it.

01-16-2005, 02:00 PM
I think it really depends on the name -- having the name Jordan while growing up made me feel inferior. I spent most of my life feeling like it was okay for me to be pushed around. Like I was the butt of every joke. I never fought back -- I learned to walk away from my problems which may not always be the best thing. I hated my name -- the kids used to make fun of me; Call me a boy. And alot of it has still stuck. I still feel like people are making fun of me behind my back.

My grandma shared the belief that names can change a person. My aunt and unlce were spoiled brats, so she decided to change their names. Until my Aunty Jewel was four years old, her name was April, and until my Uncle Kevin was three years old, his name was Keith. But nothing happened. They remained little hellions lol.

01-16-2005, 02:09 PM
I don't know if this response really fits, but it is about names...

I think there are certain "types of names" that are easy to confuse. For example, people who forget Ralph's name, will often call him Fred, or Frank. I think it is because they are simliar type of names. Someone whose name is Jane, may be mistaken for Sarah. Same class of name.

01-16-2005, 02:10 PM
I have a fairly common name Sarah. I couldn't imagine being anything else, and it is one of those names that is appropriate for both childhood and adulthood. I always felt bad for those kids who were named something wierd like "Cookie" :rolleyes: (all that I could come up with) because their name would sound wierd as an adult.

Hi, I'm Ms. Cookie ....... LOL

01-16-2005, 03:40 PM
That's an interesting idea Val, I guess I hadn't really thought about it before. When my mom was pregnant with me, she said that my dad had been hoping for a boy and they thought I would be, and had the name John (my dad's name) picked out. In case I was a girl, my mom nearly picked Jennifer but decided at the last minute to go with Jessica. Oddly, when I was in school I was mistakenly called Jennifer quite often.

01-16-2005, 03:49 PM
I think I was always going to be 'Audrey' after my grandmother..I do believe names 'suit' people, but I don't know if they make a person..However, I really wish I was named something different!

Toby's my baby
01-16-2005, 03:53 PM
Great thread!

I was going to be a boy. I am a twin, I always wonder what it would be like, if I wasn't. My mom was going to name me Ashlee, and my dad walked out of the hospital calling me Ashlee, I hate my name *Beth* because I think it sounds like an old persons name (no offence!) I really wish they would have named me Ashlee, my parents also were going to have it spelt Ashleigh instead of Ashlee or Ashley, I think that would have been cool to have it spelt different. Both of my older brothers have unique names, my oldest brother's name it Barett and my youngest older brothers name is Dallas. :)

01-16-2005, 04:01 PM
When I was a kid, I kept asking my mom why she called me Viorica not Carolina like my sister, I am older. Viorica is a flower and Carolina is such a royal name. But I think it fits her better, she's more of a princess than me, not that I am more of a flower :).

01-16-2005, 04:02 PM
Well, if my Dad had his way my name would be Heidi. I am so NOT a Heidi! My oldest brother named me--he was not happy about my arrival. Apparently my parents thought letting him name me would help. It didn't. 32 years later he still deeply resents me, but he did give me a great name. It's long and complicated though--capital letter thrown in the middle of it. I sometimes think he did that just to make me suffer--always having to explain my name to people, but I really like it now.

I know in the shelter the animals' names have a direct relationship to how long they stay--a dog named Digger, Chaos, ect is not going to get adopted! A dog named Max, Buddy, ect is gone much faster!

01-16-2005, 04:06 PM

I was going to be named Olivia. No offense to anyone who might be named Olivia, but eeeeeeewwwwww. :p Not that Devon is much better. :rolleyes: I've never really thought about the name making the person.... I guess the main difference would be that I would be in a different spot on the alphabetical order list. :D Besides, Olivia wouldn't have gone well with my last name. :p

01-16-2005, 06:17 PM
At first my parents wanted to name me Holly but instead decided to make the grandparents happy and give me names from ever side of the family. Reason I now have 3 names (two middle names) :mad:

I somehow feel that if I was named Holly, I might have truned out a little different. It's really hard to live up to family names and Liberty was asking for me to get teased, through life. Teasing effects who you become. So yeah, the name Liberty made me in some ways.

01-16-2005, 07:00 PM
my Mom wanted to call me Sara Joy but dad wasn't too keen on it so he suggested Corinna after my moms freind (swho is a libraian) I love to read even being dyslexic (numbers mostly) Then my middle name is after 2 aunts Marie.
My daughter Clarissa Amber was born x=mas eve my mil thought she should have been Chrissy Eve . Sick HUH my room mate at the hospital called her daughter Tiffany Noel.
I do think names make the person my son Ben was a sick little guy if it hadn't been for his name I don't think he would have made it . I chose the name from one of the 12 tribes in the bible The tribe of Benjamin gaurded the temple. Strong and smart. (hubby thinks it was from his family side don't tell him.) Although Ben is tall and thin hes got a strong will to live and do things. (almost lost him 3 times in the first 5 years) I think he will fill in soon His dad started to at age 25 still kept growing till then too. 6'1" when we started dating, 6'3"when married 2 years later 6'5" thank dog he stopped but now the feet are still growing size 16 . Ben keeps thinking well I could still grow.

01-16-2005, 07:00 PM
I think that though the name doesn't Make the person...It Definately effects how they are viewed in their environment...
I know that I for one, would not have the same opinion of say my new CEO...if she were introduced to me as Ms.Cookie Smith...Rather than Ms.Susan Smith....
I Strongly feels that helps shape a person...
I went to school with a girl whose name was "Candy Cain" No Lie..
How could Anybody take That Seriously???
Shame on Her Parents...

My Name was Supposed to be Victoria or Noel...I was born close to X-mas....Victoria I Love...Vicki i detest....
Noel Is SOOOO Not Me....Too Soft...Too Fru....

However when my mother went into labor,she was reading a book and "Nicole" was the main character...hence the name
I like Nicole...I despise Nikki....which is what people tried for years to call me....

4 Dog Mother
01-16-2005, 09:33 PM
When I was pregnant with Christy, we decided if she was a girl she would be Erin Nicole. I had the longest labor of the 3 with her - about 19 hours. When she was born, I looked at her and said to Car, she does not look like an Erin Nicole, this is Christina. We added Sue for her middle name. I have no idea as to why she did not look like an Erin. And of course, I have no idea if it would have changed who she was but I have always found it interesting that I felt that way.

Amy was going to be Amy Marie and she was and Rob was going to be Robert Dale after our two fathers. Carl's Dad was Robert and my dad was Marian Dale but always went by Dale. When Rob was a teenager he asked me why we chose Dale over Marian and said he would have preferred Marian as his middle name. I have no idea why he felt that way or if he still does.

01-16-2005, 09:45 PM
mmm, maybe, but I would think I would not be as shy as I am with my name being Shayna, because I yelling out to correct the name all the time. but its not like that, everyone else would shout my name because they knew that I could not say it loud enugh, I am far too shy to yell and my voice is very quiet. my name was going to be "susan" I cant imagine that lol

01-16-2005, 09:51 PM
I don't know if a name really maeks you who you are or not. My Dad wanted to name me Hilda:o:o Sorry for those of you who like that anme but I think it's awful!!! I guess if they'd named me that I would've been kinda shy and embarassed because of it, I know people would've done nohting but tease me. Devan isn't great and people still bug me because of my name but Hilda would've been alot worse I think.

01-16-2005, 10:42 PM
Well...I'm not sure..

I was going to be Anna Marie (which I'm not fond of at all) or Marie Therese, which I absolutely despise. EW! (Lol no offence intended on anyone)

The thing I don't like about my name is it is hard for me to pronounce. I used to not be able to say "or". It always came out as "er". I also used to not be able to say Sarah or Jerrold. I can now, but I still find it hard to pronounce my own name. People call me MARIE alot and I can't stand it. It bothers me SO MUCH. I try to correct them but they can barely hear what I say:rolleyes: Whatever:p

01-16-2005, 10:55 PM
My due date was Aug 6 (my folks anniversary) but I was born on June 6. My name was going to be Barbara until the woman in the hospital bed next to my mom decided she liked that name, so I was quickly named Karen (for my maternal grandmother, Catherine) plus my mom liked it because she heard it was Swedish.
Luckily I love my name. Seriously, I think my life would have been WAY different if I had been a Leo. I'm more inclined to attribute a life change to star signs rather than a name. But life's what you make it.

01-16-2005, 10:58 PM
My parents were going to name me Jaqueline, but thankfully, they did not. My dad came up with a better name, Rachel! So, they named me Rachel.

My brother Rory was going to be Michael, but I had a cousin named Michael, so, my dad again came up with "Rory" because it was a different name.

My other brother, Tyler was named after the baseball player, Ty Cobbs. Originally, he was going to be "Dante"..

01-16-2005, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by delidog
I think that though the name doesn't Make the person...It Definately effects how they are viewed in their environment...
I know that I for one, would not have the same opinion of say my new CEO...if she were introduced to me as Ms.Cookie Smith...Rather than Ms.Susan Smith....
I Strongly feels that helps shape a person...
I went to school with a girl whose name was "Candy Cain" No Lie..
How could Anybody take That Seriously???
Shame on Her Parents...

I absolutely agree with that. I wish more parents would seriously consider the "cute", "fun" and "different" names they stick some of these poor kids with. Honestly, who would possibly want to go through life with some of these names?!?

I knew someone in college who named her twin girls Tequila and Shequila. Come on!! I wouldn't name dogs those names! And one of my former employee's cousin's named their son Rollin Thunder. Honestly. And another of my employees named her daugther Dusty. Bad enough, IMO, but her last name was Sweat. Oh yeah .... I'd want to go through life called Dusty Sweat. :eek: And I know a poor man who's parents named him Cactus. :rolleyes:

01-17-2005, 06:20 PM
If you all think that is bad, I worked with a girl who called her son BOY, can you imagine it.

01-17-2005, 06:29 PM
ya know this thread made me remeber that my name was going to be susan lol and that just made me laugh because for my art project we have to find our art history "twin", well I found a girl that looks just like me she is 18 in the painting(I am 17) and her name is....suzanne. lol

01-17-2005, 06:47 PM
Try growing up as a 'richard'

01-17-2005, 06:52 PM
Ha! I remember the 60's when babies were named Moonbeam, Sunshine, Willow, Stardust....etc etc. Poor kids. I wonder what they call themselves now. :confused:

My Mom almost named me Katherine.....good thing. Slick Vic sounds better than Slick Kat....:D

01-18-2005, 01:41 PM
Internet couple name baby Yahoo

A Romanian couple who met each other on the internet have named their baby Yahoo.

Nonu and Cornelia Dragoman, from Medias, say they had a virtual relationship for three months before seeing each other.

Cornelia told Libertatea newspaper: "We named him Lucian Yahoo, one name after my father and the other from the computer. These were the two elements which guided my life."

The baby boy was born a few days after Christmas last year.


Thank God they didn't name the kid "dot com".
:rolleyes: :confused: :eek:

Samantha Puppy
01-18-2005, 01:50 PM
If I were a boy, I was going to be James Richard (James has always been my dad's favorite name and Richard is his first name). Hence, Jaime. I hate my name, for me. For others, it's a fine name. But I love old-fashioned, Biblical names like... Rachel or Rebecca or Elizabeth or Abigail.

Oh well. Guess I'll have fun with my baby's names.

01-18-2005, 02:18 PM
The receptionist at my hubby's work is called 'storm" not that uncommon, but I remember when people called their children names like that and summer etc etc, quite pretty IMO.

Everyone thinks I was named Carole because I was born five days before xmas, but I wasn't, I was named after a girl called Carole Anne kennedy, my mother apparently just liked the name, I added the E many years ago, as I preferred it spelt that way, much to my mother's annoyance.:)

01-18-2005, 02:45 PM
I think names do make a difference in how your life shapes out. I've had the old "Robin Hood", "Batman & Robin" & "Robin Red-breast" jokes all my life. I would have given just about anything as a kid to have any other name. I was my fathers only child - he was told he'd probably never father children (surprise) and I was his princess. :rolleyes:

But I was my mother's fourth child. My sisters all have nice "normal" names: Barbara, Judith & Debra. Then throw in a Robin - it was such an oddity. That and the fact that I was from a small town where everyone else had "normal" names and it makes for a tough time for a skinny little kid.

It's just been in the last few years that I've grown to like my name. Of course, it's just been in the last few years that I've grown to like a lot about myself. Crummy childhood - a long not so interesting story.

When I was expecting, I wanted something simple. Hopefully that wouldn't have nicknames. He's a Kevin Mark. Love that name - it works. Good thing he wasn't a girl, he'd have been Kyla Marie and that doesn't sound so cool now!

01-18-2005, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
Well, if my Dad had his way my name would be Heidi. I am so NOT a Heidi! My oldest brother named me--he was not happy about my arrival. Apparently my parents thought letting him name me would help. It didn't. 32 years later he still deeply resents me, but he did give me a great name. It's long and complicated though--capital letter thrown in the middle of it. I sometimes think he did that just to make me suffer--always having to explain my name to people, but I really like it now.

I know in the shelter the animals' names have a direct relationship to how long they stay--a dog named Digger, Chaos, ect is not going to get adopted! A dog named Max, Buddy, ect is gone much faster!

So what is your name?:)

01-18-2005, 03:25 PM
I know in the shelter the animals' names have a direct relationship to how long they stay--a dog named Digger, Chaos, ect is not going to get adopted! A dog named Max, Buddy, ect is gone much faster!

That is very true. We used to immediately change any dog's name that came into the shelter, if it was named something negative ... like Rowdy, Trouble, Diablo, etc.

The best name for a dog in a shelter, I swear, is Lonesome. People just melt. We tried to have one dog named Lonesome at all times. :)

My dad wanted to name me Kizzie. Seriously. Thank goodness my mom flatly refused! My name came off a box of apples. LOL My dad wanted to name my brother Larry. He is SO not a 'Larrry'. My mom once again prevailed, and his name is Darryl.

01-18-2005, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by delidog
II Strongly feels that helps shape a person...
I went to school with a girl whose name was "Candy Cain" No Lie..
How could Anybody take That Seriously???
Shame on Her Parents...

That's as bad as a girl I went to school with. Her name was Savannah Georgia Peach.

I love my name. My father wanted to name me Heather Lynelle Ruth Smith. My mom wanted to name me Ruth Agnes (which I like) after my great-grandmother, but my great-grandmother won out. She named me Renae Marie.