View Full Version : Aggression Problem

01-16-2005, 12:12 AM
Okay, when we first got Misty she was quite rough, she still is but not quite so much. Sometimes we'll be petting her and she'll be totally content then all of a sudden she'll bite our hands and not let go, or start trying to smack our faces! :eek: She had stopped doing this but its started up again. Sometimes too when we pick her up she'll growl.
We don't think she was handled too much in her previous home, as she gets very nervous when we hold her. She likes lying on laps though. She's such a sweet girl... but its like she's got a split personality at times. One minute she'll be purring and licking your face and the next she'll have your hand gripped in her mouth! She still quite young, she's only 16 months old so maybe as she matures she'll outgrow it? I don't know... :rolleyes:

Any ideas on what to do about this??? :confused:

01-16-2005, 12:54 AM
I had a cat once that I had found as a stray, and she did that exact same thing. She would be purring and happy, and then 1 second later, bite us. I do not really have any good advice, other than maybe take her to the vet to see if something is bothering her. Maybe the fact that her previous owners did not handle her much, treat her right, and just let her go to fend for herself, that could be just her nature now. My cat never got over being dumped and mistreated... We just warned everyone that she has been known to bite, and tried not the handle her much, and at long intervals. Some cats get overexerted easily with alot of petting and things. I hope this helps, although I am sure others will have better advice;) Good luck... Katie

01-16-2005, 05:57 AM
It sounds like Misty is easy to over stimulate. I would give her petting and love sessions in small doses. Play with her for a few minutes and if she starts to bite then stop. Wait a while before playing with her again. There are many cats with this problem and you just need to give her time out to settle down.
As far as not liking to be held, out of my twelve I can only pick up and carry four of them. The rest freak out if I try! They like laps to but not being carried. I think that is something that may never change with her. She's just telling you that she doesn't like it meowmie!
She probably will mellow some as she gets older too.:)

01-16-2005, 10:22 AM
Is it possible static electricity builds up in her fur when you pet her? My sister's long, haired black cat (Molly Poods) is what we call a "love biter". She will crawl into your lap purring like a storm and lie down for some snuggles. You can pet her 4 or 5 times before she bites a plug out of you. In the summer she's fine. If she's shaved, she's fine. We finally figured out it was static electricity "zapping" her and that's what she was reacting to. :confused:

01-16-2005, 11:52 AM
Misty,is probably over excited,bt your peytting,and over reacts,a little bit,but I dont think,that she ia actually attacking,just revved up,a bit too much!

01-16-2005, 04:10 PM
Thank you everyone for your replies!

CCL: I'll try whats you've suggested. Thank for the info!

It never occured to me it could be static electricity! Who knows! :p She does have long fur, so could be...

01-16-2005, 04:14 PM
Maybe it's coincidence ... but Misty looks like a Maine Coon mix ... and every single one I have been around, has this same issue. Even my precious Dexter gets overly stimulated and can really latch on with his big teeth. I have to relax my hand and tell him to let go, then I quickly put him down and leave him alone!

I'm pretty sure others on PT have mentioned similar behavior with Maine Coons! :rolleyes:

01-16-2005, 04:27 PM
Dylan is a MC mix and he can react in this way, which is so surprising because overall he is a gentle laid back goon. Catnip is almost too stimulating for him - he does not get mean, but gets wired and will playbite and smack his siblings.
I have also learned NEVER to touch his belly unless he has it fully exposed. If he is belly up, I can bury my face in that belly, smooch away as much as I want. But if he is laying any other way - DO NOT TOUCH BELLY!:eek: