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01-15-2005, 05:49 PM
I am not a happy Mowgli. Guess why.



01-15-2005, 05:55 PM
YOU DIDN'T!!!!!!!! Oh my precious little Mowg Monster!!! I'm so sorry.:( I guess this is the wardens payback for all those wet towels. There is a sheriff that makes all his inmates wear pink but I guess your warden likes purple better!:D :D :D

Don't tell her Mowg but that purple is really becoming next to your gorgeous orange fur!

Prairie Purrs
01-15-2005, 06:29 PM
Don't worry, Mowgli. Purple is the new black. ;)

01-15-2005, 06:38 PM
Oh Mowgli - what a wonderful fashion statement!!

01-15-2005, 06:54 PM
ROFL!!!!! that sheriff you mention - the one in OUR COUNTY...well, he's not the sheriff anymore, got busted ona bunch of charges - he painted the jail pink with blue teddy bears! The inmates wore striped uniforms, you know the black and white kind? He had his own show on Court TV for a while - Inside Cell Block F I believe it was called. He plans to open a restaurant (after he gets out of house arrest) with a pink jail theme and make the employees wear black & white striped uniforms.

As for Mowgli, POOR GUY!!! I've done that to my furbabies, much to their chagrin! Too cute and funny!

01-15-2005, 07:09 PM
Good one Lacey!!:D Did you apply the softpaws yourself? If so, how to you compare the experience with clipping? I have thought of trying some for the baies for a few months. At this age - those lil needles grow so fast that I am having to clip more than once a week:eek: I am thinking pink for Liz and blue for Robbie.

ROFLOL - sorry but Mowg looks so forlorn that I can't help it!
But...well, we just won't speak of this;)

01-15-2005, 07:19 PM
i tried those on Mason and they lasted, oh, about a week. It took almost an houh to get them on. He HATED them. Good luck with yours. P.S. I also glued my fingers together and to the cat! :D

01-15-2005, 07:22 PM
Yep, got 'em on all by myself. :D It took me more effort to get them on that it does for me to clip. But then, he was feeling kind of active at the time since he'd just had a little nap. I'd clipped earlier today with no trouble because he was wanting to sprawl out in my lap.

Getting them on was... entertaining.

Fill the nail with glue. Shake the treat canister. Scruff the Mowgli. Slip the nail on. Give Mowgli a treat. Watch him run hide behind the recliner. Repeat.

01-15-2005, 07:23 PM
LOL But orange goes really good with purple :p

01-15-2005, 07:37 PM
Oh MY!
Mowgli, you look marvelous in your new Soft Paws.
From the looks of things, you aren't so keen on them though.
But isn't this better than being kept in the bathroom all day?
Think of it as being under house arrest instead of serving hard time in the bathroom!

01-16-2005, 08:06 AM
Y'know, I guess when you've got purple nails, nothing makes it all better like a bag full of nip.


Mowgli's already managed to get one off, but I think it was the one that I know I didn't get on there good anyway. No clue where he "lost" it at, but I'd wager it's in the litterbox.

01-16-2005, 12:14 PM
Mowgli,you look so chic,with those nails,a regular fashion plate,and very ,very photogenic,and the Lady Found cats,all say,that you are a Hottie!