View Full Version : Some People!!!

01-15-2005, 04:29 PM
when i got to work this morning there was the most beautiful boxer i've ever seen! the odd thing was she was an adult. we only have puppies.(we are a petstore)

anyways i got there 4 hours before anyone else so i got time to get to know this pupper. she is SWEEET as can be and is so pretty!

when the manager got there i asked what she was doing here. he said someone bought her a year and a half ago and she didn't breed so they brought her back. they didn't seem to upset about giving up the dog they had for a year and a half. they asked to exchange the boxer for Leroy, the dobie i had! the manager said no because he knew i cared for Leroy and i didn't want him to be a breeder dog. he's definatly gonna be a 50lb lap dog.:) they ended up just dropping the dog off and leaving.

poor girl is soooo confused. she whines and is so stressed because she's housebroken,but we can't take all the dogs out to use the bathroom.(the petstore is in the mall) when i was on my break i took her out to use the potty though.

she's free to a good home and the manager is trying to get me to take her because he thinks i'd be able to spoil her till the day she dies. i'd be more then happy to take her,but i have to talk to my parents first.

01-15-2005, 04:33 PM
so sad :(... that poor girl, another victim of a horrible BYB. your boss sounds like a decent person, I wonder why he even wants to sell pups at the store? You guys should try talking the owner into starting a screening process for all people buying puppies/kittens, it sounds like it'd save you a LOT of money and time, just by all the stories you tell about those horrible owners.

oh, and, YES! of course you should give that Boxer girl a loving home :p

01-15-2005, 04:59 PM
oh yes! take her home!!i'm sure you could talk your parents into it! good luck:D

01-15-2005, 05:13 PM
what total jerks!!!! I hope you can take that sweetie home!!! PICS PICS!!!!!

01-15-2005, 06:33 PM
Lute, Please Please Please consider asking your boss to *stop* selling puppies. Please? Just one of the reasons for this is the story you stated above. Quite frankly, your store and many others are havens for puppy millers and BYBs. As shown with the Boxer, anybody can come in, take a poorly bred dog, and try to breed him/her with little to no knowledge. Hence, creating more puppies in a world where there are not enough homes. I know you love your animals alot. Please find it in your heart to confront your boss on *why* you need to sell puppies. Pet FEED stores are becoming very very popular now. Also, many people are converting to the higher end brands of food. Perhaps you guys can switch to selling Blue Buffalo and not Boxers?

01-15-2005, 06:34 PM
my parents said i could have her!!!.....i called the store and said i could have her and the said that another employee took her home. she went to a wonderful home with another boxer and a lab mix. she will be spoiled trust me!:D

i'm sooo glad she got out of the store that fast! she was really upset and confused! i'll have to wait for another perfect dog to come along.

bckrazy- i will mention the screening idea to my manager tomarrow. he may be open to it. he is a real great guy.

01-15-2005, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by lute
my parents said i could have her!!!.....i called the store and said i could have her and the said that another employee took her home. she went to a wonderful home with another boxer and a lab mix. she will be spoiled trust me!:D

i'm sooo glad she got out of the store that fast! she was really upset and confused! i'll have to wait for another perfect dog to come along.

bckrazy- i will mention the screening idea to my manager tomarrow. he may be open to it. he is a real great guy.

^_^ thats so cool that the Boxer got a great home!! that poor girl, I can only imagine what she has been through in her young life :(.. but I wish you could've gotten her too! the perfect dog for you guys will definitely show up!

about the screening, that would totally save you all a lot of this trouble. It sounds like quite an occuring thing... I especially hated that story about poor Leroy! No dog should ever have to go thru that. you guys can probably get a lot of ideas/help on screening from rescues around you, they are really knowledgable about what to look for and what questions to ask :)

Giselle, sadly, Lute's work place isn't the only place that this is happening. Its like, almost impossible to stop this. Of course, it could all be made MUCH better if pet stores agreed to do what is best for the dogs and spay/neuter, screen, and only buy from reputable private breeders. But we are a long way from that. These people are in this for the money, and that matters a lot more to them than animals lives. I have seen FAR worse places than where Lute works, where they have 50-100 puppies who live in tiny cages with glass walls, living in filth, and dying of disease. Lute's boss seems ok, but I'm sure it isnt up to him whether or not they sell puppies and kittens at the shop, it's probably the owners or businesses responsibility.. :(

01-15-2005, 10:00 PM
Oh i am sooo happy someone took her to a loving home, those people who dropped her off dont sound suitable to own any animal! What insensitive creeps!
I hope she is spoiled silly! :D

01-15-2005, 10:01 PM
I am so glad she found a good home with your co-worker.
I will never understand how someone could own
a dog and not bond with it. :(

01-15-2005, 10:18 PM
Man you had me ready to start finding a transport . I want a boxer but only after Merlin goes to the rb bridge but a freebie man i would have found room. Glad she got a good home.

01-15-2005, 11:20 PM
True, but many petshops who sell puppies are independant stores. Unless, of course, lute works in a Petland-ish sort of store. Even so, it is still appalling. I honestly cannot sit around and wait for somebody else to take action. Currently, I don't have much voice considering I'm considered a minor. However, I do know people who have quit their jobs, boycotted petshops, protested and rallied against the petshops. Slowly, but surely, they closed the stores down. Perhaps Lute's boss doesn't even know about the origins of the puppies. I know I didn't until I joined various forums. In all honesty, it might work if Lute works in an independant store. We'll never know the outcome if the action never happens. Considering Lute's boss sounds like a kindhearted fellow, perhaps s/he will stop the influx of puppies...

01-16-2005, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by Giselle
True, but many petshops who sell puppies are independant stores. Unless, of course, lute works in a Petland-ish sort of store. Even so, it is still appalling. I honestly cannot sit around and wait for somebody else to take action. Currently, I don't have much voice considering I'm considered a minor. However, I do know people who have quit their jobs, boycotted petshops, protested and rallied against the petshops. Slowly, but surely, they closed the stores down. Perhaps Lute's boss doesn't even know about the origins of the puppies. I know I didn't until I joined various forums. In all honesty, it might work if Lute works in an independant store. We'll never know the outcome if the action never happens. Considering Lute's boss sounds like a kindhearted fellow, perhaps s/he will stop the influx of puppies...

yeah, its great that you do want to take action to solve this problem. It is so sad what these dogs go through, just breaks your heart :(... most people our age could care less about these issues. Its awesome to see that you do really care, and maybe Lute and her boss will be able to end this.

01-16-2005, 04:29 PM
bckrazy- the store is called PassPets. it's a chain of petstores in four states i think. from what i hear we are the cleanest store of this chain.:(

we are suposedly supporting humane societies,but i dunno how we are supporting them when we are selling from mills and local BYB. :( :mad:

i was told that the boxer is home with the employee's aunt and has a name. her name is Daisy.:D we get dogs all the time that need homes.