View Full Version : Help needed in choosing an inspirational book

01-15-2005, 03:50 AM
Now I am not much of a reader these days, due to needing new glasses, and not being able to afford them right now, so I really need some help here.

I wish to buy a book that will inspire a young man of 19, help his self esteem, and help him to choose the right path in life.

Mike is 19 years old, I have known him since he was five, infact he lived two doors down from me and played with my son, he also became my nephew when i married my husband.

He has gotten into trouble, and is doing 4 mths jail term for stealing scrap metal, he was caught before and absconded to Australia, but returned and turned himself in.

He is in a low secruity unit not far from my city, I wrote to him recently, and he just sent me a reply, he appears to be very remorseful and wants to turn his life around.

I want to continue to help and support him ( he does have a loving family of his own as well), he has just chosen bad people to mix with, he is a charming, kind , caring, charismatic young man, whom I am extremely fond of, and very sad and upset he is where he is.

So sorry about the long story here, but can anyone recommend something, please not something religious as this would not be appropriate for him or from me (no offence mean't here).

I thank you in advance and for taking time to listen, this has weighed heavily on my thoughts of late.

01-15-2005, 06:22 AM
I saw a book in the library that I want to get and read. It's about forgiveness and letting go. It's by the Dali Lama. I think that would be an excellent book for him. Here's the one I want to read but another book by him might be more appropriate for him.

01-15-2005, 07:03 AM
Anything by Max Lucado. He has a style of writing that is like he and the reader are engaged in a conversation. He is a very compassionate, gifted writer.

01-15-2005, 06:22 PM
perhaps something by matthew kelly....focus is a lot on becoming the best person you can be

01-15-2005, 06:50 PM
I always find the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series to be very uplifting. Maybe one from that group would be nice :)

01-16-2005, 01:52 AM
Thank you, I will check out all of your suggestions, and then make a choice, i am going to write him another letter today, hopefully I can give him some sort of encouragement myself, fingers crossed.