View Full Version : Update on an old foster

01-14-2005, 11:41 PM
I'm not sure if any of you remember her, but in May, 2003 I fostered a little grey tabby named Little Grey. Her owners abandoned her because she wouldn't stop having kittens :rolleyes: . So I got her fixed and up to date on shots and found her a home.

Today I was at Target and I ran into the girl who adopted her! Her name isn't Little Grey anymore, it's now Ella :). She said that she is the sweetest cat and curls up with her in bed every night. It makes me so happy to hear that especially since the whole time I fostered she wouldn't leave from under the bed!

I'm so happy that I ran into her today, it felt nice to know that almost two years later she is living a happy life. She deserves it after her rough start in life.

These were the only pictures I had of her, since she hid all the time the only chance I had to take picture of her was in the carrier.



01-15-2005, 12:09 AM
I remember her. Thanks for the update Laura.:) I'm so glad to hear that Ella is still in her loving forever home and that she's doing well too.:D

01-15-2005, 05:14 AM
I remember little Grey! I am so glad that she is doing well.

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-15-2005, 06:44 AM
Wow, great news!! I understand that this about "Ella" makes you really happy! It makes fostering worth doing, hey!

01-15-2005, 07:37 AM
Awwwwwwwe! Laura that had to make you feel so good! What great news for the poor little girl. What a wonderful thing you did for her. Can you imagine what her life would be like now if you hadn't come along?

01-15-2005, 08:33 AM
I get,that same eeling,when I hear abot Franklin,Gary nad Hershey Bar,and that little Gray,thanks you,for your kindness!