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01-14-2005, 08:09 PM
Do you guys clip your cats nails? Betty and Crocker are both declawed in the front, but I have never clipped their back nails. Are cats like dogs and need regular nail clipping?

They have to go to the vet soon and get "dentals" so I may get their nails done while they are under because I don't think they will be to wonderful for nail clippings...

Also, anyone had their cats teeth cleaned ("dental") before? The vet recently told me both kitties need this done.


01-14-2005, 08:16 PM
Blueberry's nails are clipped about once every two weeks, or every week sometimes. We mostly only do the front paws, and the back ones maybe once every few weeks or whenever they get too sharp:p

And nope, we've never tried to clean his teeth. Can't imagine how he will react if we try!:eek: lol

01-14-2005, 08:19 PM
We clip Squeeker's nails everyone in a while with her being indoors only. We always know its time for them to be clipped when her nails start getting caught in the carpet while she walks.

Haven't tried getting their teeth cleaned for either of the cats teeth.

01-14-2005, 08:32 PM
I clip Pixies front nails mostly. I brushed her teeth once when I was doing the dogs she didn't really care I think she like the dog toothpaste :p

01-14-2005, 08:47 PM
I do both front and back. Back paws do a lot of damage to furniture and such. I trim them about once or twice a month.

01-14-2005, 09:10 PM
Mine don't get their nails clipped...much to MY regret sometimes, lol, but they need their claws to run up and down the floor-to-ceiling poles they have + when they jump around on the catwalks on the walls.

(I live in a small apartment so I've tried giving them as many exciting ways of moving around here as possible + the catwalks on the walls give them extra space)

They get their teeth checked every 6 months when they're having their general health check.

01-14-2005, 09:48 PM
I clip all 5 of my cat's claws. I do the front almost weekly and the back claws every couple of weeks.

I've had Ripley's teeth cleaned by the vet and he's really in need for it again. I hate having to put him through it since they put him under but I know it's much better for him to have a healthy mouth.

01-15-2005, 08:47 AM
The tool I use,for clipping,is the guillotine blade,and you,in theory,can clean a Cats Teeth,but at The Found Cat Hotel,thats a theory.

01-15-2005, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by catmandu
.......in theory,can clean a Cats Teeth,but at The Found Cat Hotel,thats a theory.
LOL, it is a theory here too :D

We give dental treats to the cats and I have a gel to rub on their gums (which I have forgotten to do for ages)

Re claws. We trim all four paws of George as he doesn't walk around outside enough to wear them down. The rest of the herd wear their own claws down enough playing outside.

Bar Annie and Sandy, they are still to timid to upset with claw trimming.

01-15-2005, 11:47 AM
We clip and Tiger and Pippin will submit to brushing of the teeth. Tiger actually likes thel electric tooth brush and he has his own little rotating brush (donated after he chewed it up, pretty much)

01-15-2005, 03:27 PM
My boyfriend and I trim Sash's claws, not often though. About every three months.

I've never had to have Sash's teeth cleaned, thank god. I do give him tarter treats daily and I have a pet gel I try to use on his teeth twice a week.