View Full Version : Magoo back to the white coats tomorrow

01-14-2005, 07:31 PM
Poor Mr. Goo is having some problems and we are going to see the doc tomorrow. He is itching and itching non stop! I thought it was a food allergy from when I tried switching them to a new food but he hasn't had that food in weeks and he is still itching. He has rubbed his chin raw from the constant chewing and he has pulled out almost all of his downy undercoat. (and left it in every room and on every piece of furniture in the house I might add :rolleyes: ) I kept thinking it was just taking time for it to leave his system but now I'm thinking it may be seasonal.
To make matters worse I was brushing him last night and I thought he had a piece of fuzz on his behind and I picked it off only to find it was moving!!!!!!:eek: I have had a stomach virus and I am not going to discuss this "worm" any further for fear I won't be able to finish this thread!:p
His eye is filling up again but it isn't as bad as it appears in these pictures. Actually hubby and I have been surprised at how slow it has been filling this time.
So tomorrow afternoon Goo will get checked, wormed, eye drained, and we will discuss the date of the surgery with the doc.

Here are a few pics of the Goo man

What? I don't want to stop scratching!!

Grampy Goo profile

I love that curly hair on his belly! Yes, I had to give belly rubs and schmoozles after I took this picture.

No matter how bad things get he always hugs momma.

Say some prayers that all goes well tomorrow and we can get Goo back to his not so itchy self! Poor baby.

01-14-2005, 07:36 PM
Poor Magoo - nothing worse than an itch that won't go away.

Sending prayers and good thoughts south to you all. BTW - did you save the fuzz on his behind to show the Vet?

01-14-2005, 07:56 PM
Best of luck to Magoo at the vet. Hope all goes well.

01-14-2005, 07:58 PM
Poor Gooster! Maybe a shot of depomedrol (cortizone) will help him stop the fur yanking, and all the itching. Hope you're bringing the creature from the deep south with you for Doc to check out. Or maybe a broad spectrum wormer's needed? :confused: Kiss the handsome curly belly haired boy for me please!:D

01-14-2005, 08:00 PM
Poor Goo! I hope he gets better real soon. Kissies and scritchies from us...

01-14-2005, 08:12 PM
EWWWWWWWWWWWE!!! NO I'm not taking the wiggly thing with me!!!:eek: Gross!!!:p It was the "rice" that I so kindly picked from his behind and promptly flushed while I gagged.http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/wuerg/vomit-smiley-003.gif I'm not normally weak and this is certainly not the first time I have had to deal with it but this was right after the first dinner I had been able to eat in days. I was not about to save that disgusting thing!!!
I think I'm going to ask for a broad spectrum wormer for everybody in the house. I'm sure I will be needing stitches before this weekend is over when I try to medicate them all but it has to be done. :rolleyes: I hate medicating!

01-14-2005, 08:19 PM
Oh rice - he has a tapeworm.

01-14-2005, 08:23 PM
Ah yes, the "moving rice". I remember it well. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/wuerg/vomit-smiley-003.gif My sentiments exactly!

Do ya think maybe he's got an allergy to the worms? It IS possible. In any event, good luck Magoo! And Lisa, got any heavy duty garden gloves you can wear while medicating him? Just a suggestion. ;)

01-14-2005, 08:40 PM
Well, tapeworms= Fleas , so he most likely has FLEA ALLERGY! My Tucker had this, even though I would have sworn he had no fleas, and ended up pulling most of his fur out! Deworming and flea treatment, and I bet he will clear up quickly!;)

01-14-2005, 08:45 PM
Eeeewwww Im itchy just reading about poor Magoo! I hope all goes well at the whitecoat's tomorrow.

01-14-2005, 08:56 PM
Oh Goo! Poor baby! Give that curly tummy fluff a schmoozle for me too!

01-14-2005, 08:56 PM
Aww, Magoo are you allergic?

Best wishes. Hope it's something that can be helped right away, so you can get rid of that annoying itching.

01-14-2005, 09:37 PM
Poor guy :(
Hope your feeling better soon Magoo.

01-14-2005, 09:42 PM
Poor Goo. Hopefully Kim is right and it's a simple flea and worm fix.

I've had that lovely "oh what's this little piece of spaghetti doing on your butt" experience. Then later, "what's rice doing on my blanket?" horror show. ICK!!!!! I know now but was naive to the world of tapeworms back then. NASTY!

Poor Gooster!

01-14-2005, 09:58 PM
I too think that it is a flea egg/worm thing. Pretty common. I can recall two different episodes of this with former, inside cats. I couldn't figure out where the flea eggs came from, as they never ever went outside. Flea eggs can be in dry cat food from what I was told. That's scarey, isn't it?

Keep us posted. I love that Mr. Magoo.

Good luck! Keep those gloves handy.

01-14-2005, 10:07 PM
Thanks guys! I think it's a flea thing too even though I see know signs of any on him or any of the other kitties. I was going to treat him but I wasn't sure that I should since he will probably get a cortisone shot and I didn't know if there needed to be a certain amount of time between the two. I will treat everyone for both. Twelve cats to pill!!:eek: Oh yippee!;) :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-14-2005, 10:41 PM
Prayers on the way for sweet little Mr. Magoo..

*KISSES* on the way for him too...:)

01-15-2005, 01:16 AM
I'm sorry to hear that Magoo is so itchy and has worms too.:( I hope that everything goes well at the vet and that you're able to treat all of your furkids without any problems. I've been through the flea and tapeworm problem before so now I give my furkids advantage every month. Good luck.:)

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-15-2005, 07:06 AM
Poor mister Magoo!! I hope that the vet can help him as soon as possible....! I'm sorry for you too because you'll have to pill all the other cats, but it has to be done if you want the problem out of the house permanently !
I wish ye luck :D

One question: why do the fluids always get back in his eyes? Cannot this be cured?

01-15-2005, 08:06 AM
Poor Magoo. He's such a sweetheart. That worm thing would have grossed me out and I'm not sick. So, I hope things go well for him at the vet. And I surely don't envy you having to give 12 cats pills! I would love to watch, though :p

01-15-2005, 08:25 AM
We pray,that Scrappy Magoo,is all right,and Scrappy,and Poub\ncer Angel,will go over,with Magoo,to the vets,and keep his spirits up.

01-15-2005, 09:28 AM
Poor Magoo. Hope all goes well at the vets.

01-15-2005, 11:42 AM
Good luck at the vet, Magoo. Pippin is thinking of you especially!

01-15-2005, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Maya & Inka's mommy

One question: why do the fluids always get back in his eyes? Cannot this be cured?

Whoever removed his eye initially, didn't quite get all of the tear gland. CCL is working towards having it removed surgically!;)

01-15-2005, 12:43 PM

Thanks Kim for answering the question for me. I was off to the White Coat with Magoo.

We are home and Goo is fine. The doc checked him really good and could find no flea dirt at all but lots and lots of white dandruffy stuff. He gave him a cortisone shot and suggested adding Cod Liver oil to his food daily to help replenish the good Omega3 fatty acids back into his skin. He said his coat looked good and healthy. He also didn't want to do anything to Goo's chin because he felt like that would heal after the itching went away.

I LOVE THIS DOCTOR!!!! We talked about the worm situation and he was going to give us some pills. Of course they are about $10 a piece and I asked him if there was a good all around wormer for less since we were going to have to do all twelve. I also explained to him that I was not looking forward to pilling some of our brats. This doctor actually listened to me!!! He said he didn't blame me and he had a solution. He gave us Panacur Granules. I can mix it in their food or in a paste to rub into their fur!!! YIPPEEEEEE I won't be in the emergency room this weekend!!!!:D :D :D I promise you Peanut Butter, Maggie Sue, Stubby, and Pete would have turned me into mince meat! I have been stressing just thinking about it! *wipes sweat from head*

About Goo's surgery...The doc is trying to find a friend of his that is an animal optomologist (sp). He said he really doesn't want to put Magoo through an unnecessary surgery or take our money and it not work. He wants to contact her before he does anything. He has been having trouble locating her and the holidays made it harder. He is going to continue to try to locate her for advice before he does anything with Goo. I appreciate that and we will wait until he feels confident that he is correct in his diagnosis.

Now that I have written a book I will shut up! That's all the news on the Goo Man.:)

01-15-2005, 12:46 PM
Wow, your vet sounds like a saint! I am happy he was able to offer an alternative to the expensive and scary pilling.

Poor Goo was just itchy from dry skin. I know what thats like myself in the winter. :)

01-15-2005, 12:48 PM
Oh yeah, the Pancur Granules for all twelve cost me $15!!!! that sure beats the heck out of $120!!!;) :D

01-15-2005, 02:42 PM
I was lurking yesterday as I didn't really have time to post and when I saw this thread I was too scared to open it. Well, today, I took a deep breath, prepared myself with a box of kleenex and took a peek.


Iam SOOOOOO glad to hear that everything is going to be okay and especially glad to read that you won't be landing up in the emergency room Lisa. :D

Give that vet of yours a big hug for me as he sounds like a saint for sure.

Please give my darling Magoo a big hug and kiss for me Lisa.

Hope and pray that all turns out well for everyone.

01-15-2005, 02:54 PM
Lorraine, thank you for saying that you were afraid to open the thread. So was I and I second the PHEW:)

I am really interested to know how inside cats can get worms. Mine never had- up to now but I thought they cannot get them.

I am glad to hear, Magoo is fine and hope the cortisone helps.:)

01-15-2005, 03:12 PM
I'm sorry you guys if I scared you with the thread title. I didn't mean too.:) Believe me, if something serious was wrong with the Goo Man I would have had a frantic thread title!:eek:

Barbara I'm thinking that Goo may have gotten worms from the Baby Brats when we brought them in. We wormed them within the first week we had them but I'm sure they could have already spread. With clumping litter you can't really see if there are any critters in the poo!:p

01-15-2005, 03:20 PM
So glad to hear it's nothing serious and Magoo is ok! :) Give him a big hug from me!

01-15-2005, 03:35 PM
Lisa, It sure sounds like you have a wonderful vet.:) I'm also glad to hear that Magoo will be just fine.:)

Cats can get tapeworms from fleas and we can bring in the fleas on our shoes or clothing. This is the reason why I use advantage every month because I've had this problem in the past.;)

01-15-2005, 03:49 PM
oh my gosh! he's so cute. what a poor baby! he just got hit with it all, huh? we all hope he gets well soon!!

01-15-2005, 04:12 PM
I'm glad Magoo is better.

Pichu had the worm not long ago. I discovered almost like Kim (only I didn't touch them, THANK GOD!) We used toilet paper to collect them when we were seeing them (and believe me, WE WERE looking). I was wondering how did he get them, since he was dewormed and he's not going outside at all. Anyway, I bought some pills (not sure about the name) and pilled both Pichu and Juni.

01-15-2005, 04:20 PM
By the way, I just found this page http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_tapeworm.html
and I think it explains very well everything.

01-15-2005, 11:13 PM
I don't know if you can get this product in the States, but it's called VIACUTAN and it's a great product.

It helped Beans a lot - She always had dry skin and what looked like dandruff.


Essential fatty acids are nutrients which cannot be made in the body and have to be provided in the diet. They are essential for the formation of new cells ant to keep the skin in good condition.
Viacutan uses the GLA (gamma linolenic acid) essential fatty acid and is a balanced combination of plant and fish oils providing very high levels of biologically active GLA to be used as a dietary supplement to help condition the skin in dogs and cats.

From here: http://www.petvetcare.co.uk/acatalog/Skin.html

01-16-2005, 01:51 AM
I missed this some how!

I'm glad that nothing serious is going on with Magoo :D

And I agree, your vet sounds great!!

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-16-2005, 04:30 AM
Yippie for Magoo!!! I am so glad you have such an understanding vet!!

01-16-2005, 06:10 AM
:D :D :D Happy day!! And happy White Coat visit (if that could be possible)! :D What a terrific find you got Lisa...glad there's such a nice local vet who is more understanding then that other one. :rolleyes:

smokey the elder
01-16-2005, 07:56 AM
Strongid, which is the standard yellow kitten dewormer, doesn't kill tapeworms. You need Droncid or some other med like that. Once in a while I get a cat with tapeworm...eww!

I'm glad Magoo is OK.