View Full Version : not now! talk about bad timing!

01-14-2005, 05:14 PM
good greif with our temps fluxuating between -43 and -51 it is damned cold outside. now we have a new problem. the furnace broke! now we have no heat inside the house, and the heat we do have is leaving fast, I am am sitting here in my winter nightgown(fleece, long sleeved and goes down to my feet) over top of my cloths and I am freezing, I have my thick fuzzy socks on over top of my regular socks, and it was enugh earlier, but my hands are getting to cold, I am gonna need my mitts in here soon if we dont get that thing fixed, and fast! :eek: I need warm thoughts :(

01-14-2005, 05:47 PM
Oh no! I hope your furnace gets fixed soon!

01-14-2005, 05:49 PM
Brr that's cold lol. It's -30 over here right now. Hope your furnace works soon!

01-14-2005, 09:17 PM
argh! it is freezing in here now! we have all these heating companys in town, at first my mom told social assistance would be paying for it, as sopon as they hear that they say "no way" so my mom stoped telling them, and keeps calling around and they keep saying they will call back, low and behold they never do call back and the earilest one can get here is 10:30 and with the rate of "we'll call back" and not calling backs, we are in doubt this guy will actually show. we have our oven on, and partially ope, and both our little space heaters running , I am getting a cold from being in the place so long, I cant go to my room because the basement is even colder, meanwhile my brother is all snug warm and fast asleep in his heated water bed :rolleyes: too bad he is the only one who has one of em. it seems non of these heating guys want to go outside in this weather meanwhile we are INSIDE in this weather.

01-14-2005, 09:24 PM
The heating guys are probably stretched thin right now. I feel your pain, we've had that happen, too. Bake stuff - then the warmth of the baked goods will help warm you inside and out, boil water, and be careful with the space heaters, make sure nothing flammable is anywhere near them. What kind of furnace is it? Natural gas, oil, coal?

In any case, the ones who said "We'll call back ..." call them back and follow up. Be obnoxiously persistent!

01-14-2005, 09:31 PM
yup we have the oven on, and I have had hot chocolate, and the space heatings I made sure were in safe spots(I am terrified of fire) the most dangerous one we have is on the fireplace hearth, and the other is just a fan type and is sitting in a whide open area beside me. :) bake something is something to think about though, warm and yummy lol and my mom is also calling all these "ill call back" people again, non can get here for several hours though. :(

01-14-2005, 10:20 PM
whew, we FINALLY have a heating guy here! and he was 15 minuts early too, thankgawd, i was trying to make cookies and hot chocolate in heavt winter mitts lol

01-15-2005, 11:02 AM
Glad to hear that the guy showed up :D, you will be nice and warm again before you know it.

01-16-2005, 12:56 AM
Good to hear! We've been having the same weather over here as well. Brrrrrrrrrr is right!

smokey the elder
01-16-2005, 08:38 AM
Make sure you crack your faucets so your pipes don't freeze! I'm glad you got your furnace fixed.