View Full Version : Heidi is scared to ride in the car

01-14-2005, 08:32 AM
Ever since the van was rolled with Heidi in her crate, she is TERRIFIED to ride in her crate in the suburban. She shakes when I ask her to go in her kennel, and even when I use treats and throw a bunch in the crate, she won't go in there. :( Normally she will just hop right up in there, all happy cause she knows shes going some place. A few times I have had to lift my 62 lb dog into the back of the suburban and put her in her crate. And when we are driving she cries, which she normally didn't do. When we stop and I let her out, she bolts out, so glad to be out. Its been about a month since they rolled it, and she's still scared. Not that I blame her. Do you have any advice on making her more comfortable with it, and do you know if she will get over her scare?

01-14-2005, 08:37 AM
:( :( I have no advice but I sure hope she overcomes her fear I don't blame her one bit for being scared.

01-14-2005, 08:58 AM
i think you need a gradual approach instead of the ole force her into the car approach. i realize that she will have need to go to the vet and such but until then here is what i suggest. take her outside near the car and just walk her around it. lavishly giving treats when she is calm. you might do this 2-3 times a day for a few minutes each time and give her lots of praise and treats/toys. when she is comfortable with that i would open the back/door of the suburban and repeat the process. just go as close as is comfy for her (no signs of stress) lots of treats and praise. then as she is able to get closer and closer maybe just ask her to stand in the back of the truck (no crate yet). gradually work up to getting into the crate (door open) and not going anywhere. lots of good salient treats (like chicken or hot dog -- something delicious that she doesn't get on a regular basis -- special treats that she only gets for this activity). remember take it slow. hopefully you will be able to work up to her getting in the crate close door -- go nowhere. then try driving to the end of the driveway. then to the end of the street, etc. it will take time and patience but hopefully she will enjoy her rides again. remember to go at heidi's pace. forcing her into a stressful situation will likely only exacerbate the problem.

01-14-2005, 09:10 AM
I agree with rotten two,,, you must take lots of time to get her comfy with the car and riding in it with her crate...... Never force!! It can become a TERRIBLE problem!

01-14-2005, 09:12 AM
I am sorry. I wasn't trying to force her, but I guess I was. :( I feel bad now. I will try what rotten_two said.

01-14-2005, 09:18 AM
oh dont feel bad,,,,,, no need to feel bad...... really,,,,,
Be paitient with her,, it will take some time for sure.....

Buddy Blaze Lover
01-14-2005, 09:19 AM
I wouldn't know what to say...Blaze JUMPS at the chance to ride in the car, and LOVES doing so! But I agree--you need to get Heidi used to it again gradually...short trips around the block at first and slowly make them longer.