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View Full Version : When is it too late to train?

PJ's Mom
01-13-2005, 10:41 PM
I'd like to teach Peej and Bailey a couple of new tricks, but since they're both around 6, I'm wondering if it's too late to start working with them. (You know..."you can't teach an old dog new tricks")

Has anyone trained their "middle aged" dog to do new things? Can you offer some tips? :)

01-13-2005, 10:43 PM
i cant answer your question...i just want to tell you your pups are really cute!!:D

PJ's Mom
01-13-2005, 10:43 PM
Thank you. :) Yours is adorable! :D

01-13-2005, 10:44 PM
It is NEVER too late. Simba is still learning new things and he is 7.

Just find something to really motivates them.. a toy, small portions of human food, dog kibble, dog treats, etc.. and work with them.

10 or so minutes a day maximum. If you train for too long they will more than likely get bored.

Patience and consistency are key. :)

PJ's Mom
01-13-2005, 10:46 PM
Thanks Kay. I was hoping you'd be one of the people to drop by and answer this. ;)

I have a hard time finding anything that motivates Bailey. This might take a little work. ;)

01-13-2005, 11:00 PM
I was still teaching my RB Rottie new tricks when she was 11! A dog is never too old to learn something new:) I have to agree with everything Kay said...

01-14-2005, 12:16 AM
I agree with the nevers. :)

Emily is 8 and we've just started taking a clicker training class.

Good luck and keep us updated on your progress. :D

01-14-2005, 01:52 AM
When is it too late to train? Never! In my opinion.

In fact, I sometimes think it's easier to train when they are older as they aren't easily distracted such as when they are puppies.

01-14-2005, 03:44 AM
yup, don't believe the old saying that you can't teach an old dog a new trick :D

01-14-2005, 07:35 AM
Yup they are never too old, unless they physically cannot handle it. I am still doing serious Obedience work with Clover and the odd trick, she has just learnt to spin around at my side whilst heeling :D. And i am still teaching my Mums little Penny dog tricks and she is 7 years old.

Have fun and goodluck.

PJ's Mom
01-14-2005, 09:55 AM
You all make it sound so easy. ;)

Right now, they can sit, lay down, speak, say "please" (a quieter form of speak, usually a growl) and give me their paw.

What do you think would be easy for them to learn next? I think I want to teach them how to play dead.

01-14-2005, 10:47 AM
shadow went to a new home at 8 years old and had to learn new rules, she follows then better then their Golden they have had for 4 years! and steph is always teaching her new tricks :p and Perky is 6 or 7 and she learns new freestyle moves every week!

01-14-2005, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by PJ's Mom
I have a hard time finding anything that motivates Bailey. This might take a little work. ;)

You can boil some chicken in chicken broth and I'll bet Bailey will LOVE it. Or slice up a hot dog and cook that. :D

PJ's Mom
01-17-2005, 09:39 AM
We've started working on rolling over, using their favorite liver treats as motivation. Peej refuses to do anything but look at me and growl and Bailey will roll on her back and stay there wagging her tail. :rolleyes:

So, what have we accomplished? Nothing, but they make me laugh. :D

01-17-2005, 09:47 AM
Never too late! I've taught Kia to 'sit pretty' and most recently 'high five' as well as 'other paw'. My dad taught her to balance a treat on her nose.

Kia is 6 going on 7 this year. She was 3 when we adopted her and she knew sit, speak, shake, and roll over.

01-17-2005, 12:24 PM
Never ever!

Duke is 9 and I'm STILL teaching him things!!!:):eek:

01-17-2005, 12:32 PM
Like everyone else has said - Never! ;)

When I worked at the vet clinic, I taught my boss' 12yr old Rottie mix a couple tricks, including spin, shake, left and right, and catch a treat in the air. :)

01-17-2005, 12:37 PM
Never I didn't start training my first dog until she was 10 a black cocker . I was 12 and joined 4-H I had the oldest dog and the leaders daughter had the youngest. a 4month GSD we did all kinds of community service presantations.