View Full Version : what are you allergic to?

01-13-2005, 09:15 PM
I am allergic to spray deodrant:o, some facial masques, I thought I was allergic to cats but we have Miagi and I am not :D I also am allergic to grapefruit & grapefruit products(i cannot have it because of the medicine I am taking) when I was younger I would have grapefruit for breakfast w/ lots of sugar :D and I am allergic to stupid people LOL;) what are you allergic to?


01-13-2005, 09:19 PM
I'm not allergic to anything! I'm glad of that too.

01-13-2005, 09:22 PM
I have no idea. I know I'm allergic to stuff..not such what though.

My mom is like, allergic to EVERYTHING!! Honestly though, she has a loooooooooong list of allergies. T-T

01-13-2005, 09:26 PM
ALL and any kinds of fish and sulfa antibiotics.
And working week ends and Holidays....

01-13-2005, 09:27 PM
thankfully, absolutly nothing lol I am enugh problems with carpo-pedel spasms, sebhoric dermititus, lower back problems, bad knee's and bad ankles lol

01-13-2005, 09:30 PM
I am allergic to Dust, mold, grass, trees, pollen, smoke, male cats and dogs..

though it doesn't really stop me on the animal aspect LOL i still have dogs and my mom has a cat and I am looking for one

Desert Arabian
01-13-2005, 09:34 PM
I am allergic to eggs, dust, grass, pine trees (the sap), pollen, horses, rats, dog saliva and a lot more stuff....:(

01-13-2005, 09:35 PM
Pepperoni...pollen in the early summertime...only some cats...walnuts

01-13-2005, 09:37 PM
penecillan :(

01-13-2005, 10:02 PM
someone who wears alotta perfume/cologne (SP)
and my hubby

01-13-2005, 10:17 PM
I just got my allegies tested the other day. Suffice it to say, I failed.

Among the things I am allergic to are things I didn't think you COULD be allergic to, like celery and carrots! I'm not gonna post the whole list, it's too depressing. But anything perfumed, and ny kind of smoke have ALWAYS set my allergies/asthma going. My first allergy doctor explained that I am so allergic to some common things (dust mites, which are everywhere) that it makes my immune system hyperactive, so it reacts to things like smoke that are not technically allergens.

01-13-2005, 10:23 PM
Goodness! The list is long....
Alcohol, pet dander, mold, dust, pollen, various aged products like yoghurt & Blue cheese, CIGARETTES (they kill me!), most perfumes (oddly ANYTHING from Estee Lauder is the worst for me). Those are the big ones. My doctor wants me to have the big tst done like Karen just had done and I think I might be depressed to see what else I am allergic to without knowing it.

01-13-2005, 10:38 PM
I got a full allergy panel done a few years ago- 80 some little punctures with different allergens all up and down my back. Turns out I'm not allergic to a darn thing... Except maybe cleaning...:D Yes, I'm definately allergic to cleaning.

PJ's Mom
01-13-2005, 10:49 PM
I'm allergic to my guinea pigs and okra. :o

01-13-2005, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by PJ's Mom
I'm allergic to my guinea pigs and okra. :o

oh no!! Deep fried Okra is sooooo yummy:( :( :( I'd have to keep an epi-pen on me every time I went to Cracker Barrel if I was allergic to Okra:eek: I get it every time I eat there:D

01-14-2005, 12:38 AM
I'm allergic to dogs, cats (doesn't keep me from having them), kiwis, strawberries (doesn't keep me from eating them LOL), pollen, dust, and mold. Edit: I forgot I'm alergic to some metals. The only earrings I can wear have to be silver -- I'm even allergic to surgical steel. Only 1% of people are allergic to surgical steel.

01-14-2005, 01:24 AM

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-14-2005, 03:11 AM
An ingredient in asperine, Acetylsalicyl (sp??), and Primperan.
Oh, I may not forget my allergy to muscles!! One musscle is enough to make me dead-sick. Even if the cook only used some for making a sauce.
Both our kids are allergic to the dustbug

01-14-2005, 03:46 AM
I am allergic to cats, but as you all know I have two of them, and having them has helped my allergy not made it worse, it is still there, but not as bad, putting myself amongst it all has desensitised me I think.

I am also severly allergic to Fish, if I eat any I could die, as my throats swells instantly, have not eaten fish for 20 odd years now.

I have hayfever, so have allergies to pollens, grasses etc, I also am allergic to metals, and can only wear gold or silver jewellery, a handicap I can live with lol.:)

01-14-2005, 06:14 AM
I get poison ivy so bad that if I even look at it wrong I get a good dose of it. Also, I get hay fever which is not a good thing because as part of my job as groundskeeper I mow a lot of grass!!

01-14-2005, 07:48 AM
I am allergic to black pepper, white peper, basil, esp. we have in Moldova some type of fragrant basil. I am allergic to some cheese, but not sure which, probably some aged cheese. I try to avoid any strong spice, esp. seeds.

01-14-2005, 08:02 AM
I know I'm definetely allergic to amoxicillin. I believe that I'm allergic now to most animals, because whenever I meet a new animal I go into a sneezing fit. I've developed asthma since I first started college so it makes everything that much worse with the wheezing. :rolleyes: I've developed some sort of tolerance to my cats but still get itchy eyes, sneezing, etc. when I pet them too long. Oh well, I love them.

01-14-2005, 08:12 AM
Originally posted by carole
I am also severly allergic to Fish, if I eat any I could die, as my throats swells instantly, have not eaten fish for 20 odd years now.
My husband is like that too! Reminds me, a few years ago we were invited to a very posh Christmas party. All the horderves (I know thats spelled wrong!) were shrimp, crab, seared tuna, and one plate being passsed around of something with steak. Well, hubby remembered seeing a cheese platter in the bar. I volunteered to get him a nice selection of cheeses for him to nibble on while we were waiting for the main course. Welll.... one of the people at the party got snide and said "John's appetisers aren't good enough for you? You had to get something from the bar instead?" Really now! I replied that hubby was allergic to shellfish. Know what that jerk said in return? He said, "Food allergies are made up. Its all in his head." I was dumbfounded. I asked him if he'd want to sit in the ER next time my husband's throat closed tight because he ate food that accidentally touched a shrimp!

His allergy is so bad that once we had to spend the night in the ER because I had shrimp at a picnic. It was the pick & peel kind. I used a paper napkin to wipe my hands. Hubby came along and nicely cleared the table. He picked up the napkin, and twenty minutes later we were sitting in the ER -- all because the oils on the napkin came in contact with his hands! All in his mind... indeed! :rolleyes:

01-14-2005, 08:15 AM
Nothing that I know of. :)

My sisters ex-boyfriend was deathly allergic to peanuts. He wouldn't even kiss my sister until she brushed her teeth after eating anything known to have peanuts in it.

PJ's Mom
01-14-2005, 08:16 AM
Originally posted by Sirrahsim
oh no!! Deep fried Okra is sooooo yummy:( :( :( I'd have to keep an epi-pen on me every time I went to Cracker Barrel if I was allergic to Okra:eek: I get it every time I eat there:D

I love fried okra, but I don't love the tiny itchy, red bumps I get when I eat it. :eek: :D

Buddy Blaze Lover
01-14-2005, 09:28 AM

01-14-2005, 10:44 AM
Mold, Dust mites, latex, Strawberrys, long haired cats:(...

I had the test done a looooong time ago.

01-14-2005, 10:54 AM
I forgot I'm alergic to some metals. The only earrings I can wear have to be silver -- I'm even allergic to surgical steel

oh yah, I completly forgot about earings! lol I can only where gold earings(dont remeber how many karots it has to be though) and I can wear steriling silver for short periods.

01-14-2005, 10:56 AM
Cats :( , but I still have 5 of them, and cig smoke.

01-14-2005, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by CalliesMom
I know I'm definetely allergic to amoxicillin.

Oh, I am too! Only when I remember how I discovered this, I have goosebumbs.

01-14-2005, 12:58 PM
I am allergic to shrimp (I end up puking all night long if i eat it...and yeah :o), and I am allergic to perfume, hairspray and scented stuff like that...I get headaches that basically last all day. :rolleyes:

01-14-2005, 01:01 PM
I'm allergic to dust, animal dander, elm + box elder trees.