View Full Version : Adopting a cat...

Toby's my baby
01-13-2005, 08:36 PM
We are sure that we are adopting a cat / kitten now. I am a little worried *but mostly excited* about adopting. Is there anything I should be worried about / ready for, when adopting my new cat?

I fell in love with a cat named Rain on the internet, and hopefully, if the weather isn't bad, we will be going to look at some of the cats at our humane society.

I was hoping some of you that foster, or have adopted before, could tell me what I should expect, or be ready for when bringing a new family member home...


01-14-2005, 04:47 AM
Congratulations! Depending on the place you adopt from you might take home the same day or need to wait. Ask if they test their cats for FeLV/FIV and if they are up to date on shots. Ask if the cat has experience with dogs. Just have fun and make a wise choice, it is for a lifetime of love :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-14-2005, 06:19 AM
In 2002, we went to a shelter to choose a new cat. We had seen some pretty ones on the internet too, so we went to this place!
As soon as we entered the cats' room, our Maya started meowing as moud as she could, and begged to be petted. Of course, we went to all the other cages too, but Maya didn't stop calling us, untill we took her out of her cage. She calmed down and started purring immediately! See, she choose us!!

When you go to your shelter, don't just focus on that one cat you saw on internet; walk to all the cages, and speak to ALL the cats. Be me, the cat that's meant to be with you, will let you know!!


01-14-2005, 11:28 AM
The trouble,will be in picking among,those Meeoowing Little Fcaes,that are saying ,Pick Me,Im the one! Pick Me! I need a home.PLEASE!