View Full Version : Post your favorite pic and complement your kitty

01-13-2005, 05:09 PM
I am still fairly limited on the pictures I have of my kitties, but I think we should have a thread where we just post our favorite pic of each of our cats. Also, maybe we should mention something about our cats that just makes our day!

Here are mine:

Callie-I love everything about you. I love your nawtees and I love how you meow about EVERYTHING. You also know right when I need your attention and you come and sit in my lap to get lovings


Whispy-I think it is absolutely adorable when you and Paw Paw take naps together. I also love how you wait on the cat tree behind the bathroom door when I'm showering and then meow at me to pet you when I'm done.


Shadow-you are my sweetest kitty. You follow me everywhere and always give me kisses on my nose when I ask. Nobody gives me as many eye kisses as you do.

My little eye kisses girl.

It's been one of those days at work and this made me smile!

Let's see your kitties!

01-13-2005, 06:00 PM
Allen. My first cat that hubby did not want! :D I love your sweet face and easy dispositon.

Pouncer... my love. My heart kitty. I would do anything for you, and you know it!

Harry... Mr. Personality himself! Nobody purrs louder than he! Nobody is hungrier either! :D

Abby... you stole my heart from the beginning. You made me fail fostering 101!!! But everyday you get sweeter and more loving. I cannot imaghine my life without you and your threebrothers.

01-13-2005, 09:44 PM

Remus, I love you even when you give me this look!!! *Hugs and scritches* for my big cuddly boy!


Spookums... you are such an afectionate girl!! You've taught Remus to be a cuddle cat!!

01-13-2005, 10:29 PM
Josie: My sweet girl, you have brought me through some low times and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! The one thing I love most about you is your singing voice! I LOVE to hear you sing!!! And you've become such a great big sis! I'm so proud of you for taking to that little brother of yours like you have!!!

Brodie: My little man!!! You are my purr box! My lap never goes cold now that I have you!!! You have brought a lot of funny times to this house and I love every second of it! You've also taught your big sis how to cuddle & be affectionate & that is the best gift you could ever give us!!!

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-14-2005, 03:43 AM
My dear Maya, you are the sweetest cat ever! You NEVER use your claws on humans, you are always happy and relaxed. You are my sweet princess!!

Nawtie Inka, you are a sweetie too, BUT on your terms! One minute you purr like a tractor, next minute you are growling, mad, and kicking with your hind legs ;) . Silly Inky Pinky, I love you!!

I'd like to include my RB-cat Sydney too! He was our first cat, and he left far to soon :( :( . Sydney was a great cat, my best companion, my home-trained nurse... ; I miss having you around, my lovely lovely blackpie

01-14-2005, 07:05 AM
Weezie - my fuzzie sweetheart. You are the kitten that stole my husband's heart and made him love kitties as much as I do. Thank you for showing him just how wonderful cats can be! Also, thanks for helping out with my writing by sitting on my hands and I love these winter nights with you sleeping by my side...and sometimes putting your fluffy tail over my nose!


Eepie - my wedding present. Mike gave you to me when we were first married and of all the housewarming gifts we received, I love you best. I've always had a special place in my heart for calicos and you were the first true callie-cat I ever had. Thanks for being my purrbox and my chubby-lovely sweetheart.


Grey Girl - you can to me by fate. You were not the cat I had planned to adopt but those eyes looking at me...how could I not take you home? I love when you knead on me and suck on my covers - it makes me feel happy to know you see me as your kitty-mama as well as your human mama. I love the way you visit me whenever I take a bath and I love the way you always wake me up just as the alarm goes off in the morning for some pre-dawn head rubs. You are so beautiful, Grey Girl.


Sara luvs her Tinky
01-14-2005, 08:08 AM

You are my baby girl!! I love you sweet disposition.. how you purr all the time and the way you sleep on me at night.. I love the way you take naps with me and the way you meow and fuss when we are in the kitchen cause you always think it is for you!



JUPITER...you are my big boy Mr. Kat.. I love you gentleman and accetping attitude .. I love the way you love you cuddles in the moring and they way you meow.. I love you goofy attitude and the faces you make when you want to play.. and they way you play with EVERYTHING...



01-14-2005, 11:26 AM
I love all my Found Cats,and wish,that I could post,thier pictures,and have more,than a hour,to say how much,that I love them,and why.

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-17-2005, 06:44 AM
bump... :)

I like this thread... i wanna see some more kitties!;)

01-17-2005, 08:44 AM
Could someone post Michael,JJJ3,Moose,or the Meezers,for me,thety would love you,to pieces!

K & L
01-17-2005, 08:52 AM
This has always been one of my favorite photos, caption reading: Who Let the Dogs Out? (the song):D


01-17-2005, 09:35 AM
My sweet little Juliecat...when you curl up under my chin and purr, I can't help but think that everything is right with the world. You bring me such joy! I love you.

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-17-2005, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by K & L
This has always been one of my favorite photos, caption reading: Who Let the Dogs Out? (the song):D


*LOL* i forgot all about that picture.. IT IS SOOO FUNNY..

Thanks for a good laugh today!

01-17-2005, 10:16 AM
I just love the way you give Duke little licks on his face. The way you go nuts with the flashlight beam. How you run in circles for your sparkly kitty toy. The way you sleep on your back. You bust with personality. I love it that you're really making yourself at home because that's where you are now, home. How you've leapt into my mom and dad's heart. Dad was just letting us have a cat again and he's really getting attached to you. I'll bet he wasn't counting on that. You've really brightened all our lives.

01-17-2005, 10:32 AM
I just love all the MUSH in this thread :D:D

01-17-2005, 10:34 AM
What a breathtaking photo of Doogie!

01-17-2005, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by catnapper
What a breathtaking photo of Doogie!
Thanks! I was getting ready to leave and saw that. Had to take a pic before I walked out the door.

01-17-2005, 01:02 PM
Your post on Doogie actually made me want to cry! It was so sweet.

01-18-2005, 08:41 AM
I'm bumping this up because a lot of people might not have seen it. It's a really good thread and I'd like to see more kitty dedications.

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-18-2005, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I'm bumping this up because a lot of people might not have seen it. It's a really good thread and I'd like to see more kitty dedications.

ME TOO!!! Bump Bump Bump!!:D

01-18-2005, 12:46 PM
My very first cat Kit, he was a beautiful grey kitty who could be quite a tuffy at times. My dad found him at the park. I will always love you Kit, you were the one who made me fall in love with cats.


Blackie was a big black beauty who was very good natured. He lived to be 14 1/2 and I lost him three years ago. I will always miss you my sweet Blackie boy.

Lucki, my sweet little angel. Lucki was Sash's sister who I lost to FeLV back in 1995. I loved you very much my sweetheart and you will always be in my heart.

Sash, the love of my life. My soulmate, my kid, my world for the past 12 years. Words can't express how much I love you!

Here's Tabby! I found Tabby but he lives with my parents. He's a very sweet and friendly orange tabby. I'm very glad you came into our lives. I love this picture of him.

01-18-2005, 01:11 PM
Tigger, you are my precious little girl. I remember the day I brought you and your brother Tony home...you both hid behind the fridge for days. I love all your little quirks, like only eating Kitten Chow, how you give me "high 5's", and how your favorite place to sleep is in between daddy and me.

Smokey, you are my little garbage can kitty. How anyone could throw you away is beyond me....although maybe it's because you never stop yapping. ;) I love you and promise that you never ever have to worry about being dumped in a garbage can ever again.

Tucker, well what can I say, you are the grumpiest cat I have ever known, :p but I will always love you. Your happiest time is beign outside in the spring, summer and fall. You don't leave your chaise lounge during that time...you are the biggest sun worshiper I know.

Mystic, you came to the back door and begged to come in. Daddy said "NO!!!" but somehow you won him over and he absolutely adores you. Daddy calls you Flubby but you and I both know that he only means that in a loving way. You have the weirdest fettish of loving your daddies stinky underwear:eek: :eek: :eek: Why someone threw you away is again beyond me. You love your treats and your backrubs.

01-18-2005, 01:25 PM
Abner....my baby. You will always be my "soul kitty". I don't know exactly how to explain it but you are just the absolute most special cat that has ever come into my life. I don't know what I would do without you.

Someone threw you away and you decided to follow a dog to my house. I think it must have been fate that brought you to me. I love everything about you. I love waking up each morning to you on my side, the smell of your fur after being outside, sharing my glass of milk with you every night, your little white "swoosh" on the side of your face, your meow when you want something, the bratty look on your face when you don't get your own way, and your dreamy eyes when you are sleepy.


Gracie and Gabriel.....I was told you were both "special needs kitties"....special needs??? YEAH RIGHT!!!!!

Gracie you are a total brut. You pick on your brother and then when he picks back you scream bloody murder!!! I come running, thinking that you are dying only to find out that you are the one instigating the trouble!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: I honestly don't know what I am going to do with you!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Gabriel or Super G as you are called at home. When I first agreed to take you and your sister I questioned what was I getting myself into? I doubted in my heart that I would be capable of giving you what you needed in terms of special needs.....well little man you sure did prove me wrong. You have taught me that you can over come anything. You may not be able to do everything like a normal kitty but you sure do find a way to do everything you set out to do. I am so happy and blessed that you and Gracie came into my life.

01-18-2005, 02:01 PM


You are possibly one of the most evil animals I have ever met in my life.

You are a monster, cunning, mean, bipolar, finicky, spoiled and oh, so loved!!!!

Edwina's Secretary
01-18-2005, 02:15 PM
JJJ3....of radio fame and treat obsessed!

Moose...the name says it all.....
The Meezers!

01-18-2005, 02:52 PM





Hope I got it right! :)

01-18-2005, 07:27 PM

and thought I would add a cute picture of Shadow

01-18-2005, 08:11 PM
Do you love me Mommy? Promise you'll never abandon me?


I'll always love you Abby and protect you always. I don't know why someone dumped you in a cardboard box, but your arrival in my life was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

I love the way you adopted me. I love the way you give me kisses every day. I love the way you're always with me night and day.

I also love your sister, Becky...


Becky, I've never lived with royalty before! It's my honor and pleasure to admire you and spoil you as you deserve. I love the way you want affection and hugs when you think no one else is looking! But I also love the way you love your Daddy and make him feel special.

01-19-2005, 08:58 AM
You got it perfectly Anna,and sara,and The Found Cats,and I Thank You,as we appreciate,being,with the Other Pet Talkers Cats,more than we can say,and John Hancock,loves his close up.

01-19-2005, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by catmandu
I love all my Found Cats,and wish,that I could post,thier pictures,and have more,than a hour,to say how much,that I love them,and why.

Ok, now that the pictures are posted, where are the compliments? :D

Edwina's Secretary
01-19-2005, 03:52 PM
To sweet Lady Edwina... you taught me the rewards of loving were greater than the risk of losing....and you let me dress you up in all those silly hats and outfits...

and sweet boy Eddie who went from this....

to this


01-19-2005, 04:55 PM
This really is a lovely thread. :)

Barliman, you beautiful thing you, I'd love you even if your looks were the only thing you had going for you. You're so cute that sometimes I can't believe you're real. Those liquid carmel eyes still melt me, your gorgeous puffy mane begs to be smooshed, and one twitch of your pink nosie has me running to to your bidding. But you also happen to be a sweet boy who knows how to turn on the charm when it's time for lovin's. You wake me up every morning by sitting on my chest and staring at my face with the most fascinated expression. When I get out of the shower, you greet me like I've been gone for weeks. You're gentle and huggable and just so cute that it's disgusting. How could I not love you?


Rizzo, my sweetheart, my little baby man, you're my first kitty and I think I'll always love you bestest. I've never met a cat with so much personality. You always let us know what you're thinking, either with your face or your voice...usually both! You LOVE your people, and purr just to be in our presence. You've made your daddy love you, and I never thought he'd love a cat. Quite simply, Rizzo, you are the MAN! And Sauxus thinks so too. ;)


01-19-2005, 08:54 PM
What a great thread! :)

Squeekers - oh my little Squeek girl... you have been such a blessing in my life. You are the sunshine in my life, when I thought I could never love another cat again you came into my life and eased my pain from losing my Perkins. You give me head bumps and licks when I'm sad and always keep me laughing. Your my sleeping buddy, sprawled out beside me every night. I love you so my baby girl.


Misty - what can I say? You are such a sweetheart so full of love, never can get enough pets and kisses. So playful and outgoing. I feel so lucky that you wondered into our lives that day back in September when you stole my heart and the familes.


01-19-2005, 09:05 PM
My beautiful Katie makes my day bright, warm and full of love, she is my Angel. I love you Katie Doll!

Simba... may you Rest in Peace. My sweet, loveable, funny, beautiful kitty. You brought my days so much laughter, love, happiness, and fun. I love you Simba!

As you can see.... Katie was Simba's little guardian angel. Katie would follow Simba where ever he went so he would be safe.

01-19-2005, 09:17 PM
My sweet Samantha kitty, my one and only kitty love for 16 1/2 years now.
Always by my side, purring, rubbing, headbumping and asking for bellyrubs and kisses on her sweet black nosie.
You are my one-of-a-kind, most beloved kitty Queen Samantha.:D

01-19-2005, 09:25 PM
awww... that is such a cute picture Vermontcat. :)

01-19-2005, 11:01 PM
This is my Magoo. I love him and miss him everyday. He grew up with me and he helped so much to make me the person I am today. I am so thankful for having him in my life. Rest in Peace Magoo, I love you!

Magoo :)
