View Full Version : Strauss is starting to meet the gang.

01-13-2005, 01:05 PM
We're letting Srauss out of his room for a couple of hours in the evening so that he can start adjusting to the others. But there is always at least one of us monitoring him and the others.

So far Jan has stared at him and growled and hissed at him to let him know she is the boss.

Sid is opting for a "live and let live" policy. He just ignores Strauss - like he's saying "you don't bother me and I won't bother you and there's room enough here for the both of us".

Joxer is being his timid self and is completely avoiding Strauss so we're giving him extra attention to try to make him less afraid.

The one sad thing is that Strauss will go back to his room on his own, but right before going in the door, he makes a very loud, pathetic, mournful howl (actually several of them) like he's calling for his old family. :(

But so far so good.

01-13-2005, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by catland
The one sad thing is that Strauss will go back to his room on his own, but right before going in the door, he makes a very loud, pathetic, mournful howl (actually several of them) like he's calling for his old family. :(

But so far so good.

That is sad, but hopefully in a short time he will come to realize that you are his new, loving family.

Maybe a tuna party is in order?? :p

01-13-2005, 01:51 PM
Awww Strauss.. it'll be okay. *scritches*

01-14-2005, 11:49 AM
It will take,I think,a bit,of time,but soon Strauss,will be one,of the Cat Gang!

01-14-2005, 12:50 PM
*update* - Strauss is doing less of the howling and is feeling more comfortable. However, I missed the fireworks last night when I went to get some groceries. Jan decided to take her aggressions out on Joxer. I realize its her coping mechanism but it sure isn't much fun for him.:eek:

Also, Jan would never sleep in the bed with us. Guess what she's doing now? She of course acts like she's been sleeping there forever, thanyouverymuch.

All in all though, I think its going pretty well.

01-14-2005, 12:52 PM
In time everything will be peaceful on the home front again! Huggies to little Strauss!;)

01-15-2005, 04:40 PM
I think all is going well. A girl has to show she's the boss. They'll be ok soon.