View Full Version : Prayer request for my friends

01-13-2005, 10:17 AM
My husband's close friend and his wife welcomed a baby boy into their lives in November. Jalin was born on 11-15-04 with some scary, but repairable complications. He has a small hole in his heart, a non-functioning esophagus, and his rectum was not connected to his colon. :( He was premature and very small, but was finally able to come home on New Year's Day. He will have heart surgery in March or April (whenever he's gained enough weight) and the other two surgeries will follow after the appropriate waiting periods between each procedure.

His Mommy is having a horrible time dealing with all of this. She had a breakdown on Monday and is on meds, but they haven't kicked in yet. She's very emotional and under a huge amount of stress. They also have a 5 year old daughter who doesn't understand any of this. :(

Could you please keep all of them, but especially Stacy right now, in your thoughts? She's so stressed out from dealing with the feeding tube, the colostomy bag, the heart monitor, etc. :( :( :(

Meanwhile, isn't he cute?!?!? :D

01-13-2005, 10:19 AM
Awh poor little guy. He will be in my prayers. :(

01-13-2005, 10:56 AM
aw. he is really cute. My prayers go out to him and his family.

01-13-2005, 11:03 AM
What a precious little baby boy! Please tell your friends that I will certainly pray for them and their baby, that God will provide, and see them all through these extremely difficult months!:(

I honestly cannot say that I would handle the situation any better than Stacy is, but I pray that God will send her peace and that her meds will kick in to help her out as well.


01-13-2005, 11:31 AM
Bless his heart, he is just adorable, Micki, and certainly doesn't deserve to have the start of his life be so tough. :( I will keep him in my prayers, as well as his parents and sister. I have heard of people falling to pieces over sick children. I would hope that I could remain strong, but you don't ever know until you face that situation. I hope the meds will help your friend and getting through that first surgery, successfully, will give her hope, too.


01-13-2005, 11:42 AM
Prayers are definitely on the way for Jalin and for Mom and Dad as well. What a precious little boy, I can only imagine how stressed your friends must be. They will be in my thoughts!

01-13-2005, 12:49 PM
poor little guy!
Prayers on the way!

01-13-2005, 01:00 PM
Oh he is so cute! I will say prayers for him and his family. I'm sure all this is really hard on his mom. I can't even imagine.:(

01-13-2005, 01:11 PM
How horrible to have such a scary start so young in life. :(

My prayers will be with the family. :)

01-13-2005, 01:41 PM
Poor little guy. :( Many prayers for him and his family.

Miss Meow
01-13-2005, 06:45 PM
Sending positive thoughts.

Micki, my friend's sister had a baby two months ago. She is deaf, blind, has no gag reflex so she can't suckle, may be brain damaged and has a heart problem. She's had four surgeries already and has just been diagnosed as well enough to go home to her family :). The little ones fight the best and I hope Jalin wins this battle - he's such an adorable boy.
