View Full Version : Slept Alone Last Night

01-12-2005, 12:17 PM
My dog, Fenway, slept over my sisters last night. I missed him terribly, but I have to admit - I slept like a baby! I didn't wake up once last night! I've decided that my next dog will have to sleep in its own bed - no more hogging my bed! Fenway moves around, gets up to drink water or gets up to chase the cats or asks to go out and potty. He always ends up waking me. I love to cuddle with him and love him dearly but I have to admit last night was wonderful!

I'm picking him up tonight so it's back to disturbed sleeping for me.

Has anybody else had the same experience?

Samantha Puppy
01-12-2005, 12:40 PM
No. I sleep horribly when Samantha isn't around.

01-12-2005, 04:51 PM
I have similar experience, i fall asleep great when me and the dogs sleep together, but when i need to roll over there is no room, i have a twin bed and the two dogs are both pretty big, 105 pounds and 120 pounds, so that is my problem but my boyfriend wont let them in the King bed, so i have sacrificed to be with them and bought a twin ( it was all i could afford), although a few nights i have to sleep in the king to get a full nights rest.
But not many, they love sleeping with mom just as much! :D

01-12-2005, 04:58 PM
I can't sleep at all barely when Tango's not in my bed! I don't know why though...

01-12-2005, 05:04 PM
i LOVE having a 90lb dog in my bed!:D I sleep like a baby when he's with me(and i have someone to cuddle with when im cold;) )i dont mind him sleeping somewhere else,so i can spread out even more..I have a queen size bed so theres enough room for both me and Kodie:)

01-12-2005, 05:36 PM
I'm a pretty light sleeper, and even in an Olympic queen size bed (slightly smaller than a king, 5 inches wider than standard queen), it gets crowded with 2 people and a dog or dogs. It would be impossible to cram all 4 of us up there, esp as my husband is a big guy (6 foot 4 inches tall) and tends to hog the bed when he's asleep :p. Tasha sometimes will sleep with us if there is a thunderstorm and I usually don't sleep as well on those nights because my movement is limited and I wake when she moves around. If David is out of town she always sleeps with me though and I have no problem then since there is plenty of room. Most the time the pups sleep on their own bed in a room right next to ours. They know its their bed and when we say "is it bedtime?" they will run upstairs and go to bed on their own. :)

01-12-2005, 05:59 PM
Haha Yes, as a matter of fact. :o I really don't sleep well at all when we have both dogs on the bed. And even when there is only one, I hate it when they hog the covers and uncover my shoulder to the freezing cold air in the middle of the night. :o Every once in a while (like last night, for example), I put both dogs in their kennels just so I could sleep soundly. That sounds so selfish of me! :o

01-12-2005, 06:17 PM
my dogs sleep w/ my parents..my kitty sleeps with me and I can't sleep without him there on my bed! and when I spend the night somewhere else I miss him a lot!! :( :(

01-12-2005, 06:22 PM
I have insomnia now and then and I know it would be logical to make Sadie sleep somewhere else but I tend to do things that complicate my life rather than make it easier. I miss her when she isn't there. There have been a few nights when I really wished I never started the sleeping on the bed thing - she didn't care when I first got her, it was all my idea.