View Full Version : Willow is definitely diabetic

01-11-2005, 06:35 PM
Willow is definitely diabetic. I dropped her off yesterday on the way to work and she stayed there until I got off work at 11:00. Since she was there all day they were able to do more than one blood glucose on her and at one time they gave her some insulin and then did another blood glucose. The last one they did it was 320 which is high so she was put on 2 units in the am and pm. When I got there they had already given her the insulin for the night. I took Willow home to Jim's and told him I would get syringes and insulin the next day and then on the way to work I would stop and show him how to give Willow her shots. I explained how I write down the time I give it etc so he would have some idea what to do. I also explained how that he needs to keep a close eye on her and explained the danger of her sugar getting too low. I don't want to bombard him all at once so I am giving him info from my experience a little at a time. Things have been so crazy for me the last few weeks with the animals etc and by the time I got home from the vet and took Willow home and then went to Ivy's house to feed and give him his insulin and then go home and feed all the gang there and give meds and shots it was 2:30am. So i didn't have time today to get the insulin and syringes so I took some prefilled to him and showed him how I give the shot. Today after I get off work before I go to Ivy's I am going to stop by and let him give Willow the shot. When I get the insulin and syringes I will show him how to measure it. I hope he will do ok with this because i don't see how I would be able to go there twice a day all the time but if I had to ya know I would do it. I take Willow back Friday to have her BG rechecked. Hopefully it won't take long to get her regulated. Thanks so much for all your positive thoughts for Willow.

01-12-2005, 08:48 AM
We are prayinrg,that willow,can get her blood sugar,under control,and taht she can live,the full life,that she deserves.

01-12-2005, 08:54 AM
Oh Doo. I'm so sorry! :(

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-12-2005, 09:48 AM
Here's hoping everything goes smoothly and Willows BG can be regulated. Sorry for all your troubles, but I guess that's what comes from caring so much about kitties. :( ;) :)

01-12-2005, 05:33 PM
Thanks all of you for all of your prayers and postive thoughts. Jim gave Willow her insulin shot today and said he felt ok to try it tonight so i wouldn't have to stop by after work. That will help alot. Friday i take her back to the vet's to have her BG rechecked. I am hoping she will get regulated pretty quick so we won't have to make alot of vet trips. She gets so stressed out so easily and that doesn't help either with trying to regulate her BG.
