View Full Version : RUMORS!! *rolls eyes*

01-11-2005, 04:45 PM
Gosh, a girl that goes to my school is making up rumors about my friends and I and is making us sound pretty nasty. She says we say bad things about people's clothes, actions, etc.:rolleyes: she makes up things that we call her terrible things and that we dont care about anybody's feelings. It is so annoying because nobody believes that she just made this all up. This girl seems really nice, but then goes behind your back. Uggh why can't any one believe my friends and I??? :mad: :mad: Sorry I had to post this, I am just so upset and I had to tell someone.

01-11-2005, 04:48 PM
feel free to vent anytime we're here for you! :D everyone hates rumors..don't make them see you upset only thing that matters is you know it isn't true :) take care,


01-11-2005, 04:55 PM
I can't believe someone would act that way! Please feel free to vent when you feel like it!

01-11-2005, 05:46 PM
LOL it never seems to get better either. You would think as we grow and MATURE??? things like that would stop...but no, it doesn't. There is a girl here at the university that does the same thing "acts nice to your face, criticizes you behind your back." My husband and I simply refer to her as the "devil." she's so hateful.