View Full Version : What's the strangest thing your Kitty(s) do?

01-11-2005, 03:44 PM
There is a thread like this in Dog General so I thought I would start one here.:)

What things do your Cat(s) Do that makes you go "OOOOOOooooookkkkkkkkkaaaaay"?

Some times When you run towards Hobo he jumps up on his hind legs and starts bouncing Side to Side and Forward to Back until he falls over. While he is doing it he will make all his hair stand up and he will throw his paws up in the air. :p
After that he's fine;)

And Sometimes when he lays down he decides to clean his self and falls asleep doing it. Then he will be asleep with his tongue sticking half way out of his mouth. :p

01-11-2005, 03:59 PM
I would have to say the weirdest thing that any of my cats do is what Mystic does.

Mystic loves her daddy's underwear.....if you try to take them away she growls and hisses at you. I guess the scent of her daddy makes her happy. She especially loves his undies when he comes back from a run and they are smelly and wet. :o :o :o

Please don't tell her that I let her secret out of the bag.


01-11-2005, 04:05 PM
Before my husband and I were married, he kept Weezie at his apartment. As a gift, I bought us a set of the Wedding Beanie Bears (this was when beanie babies were big). Weezie LOVED the groom bear! She would carry it with her in her mouth where ever she went. Everyday, Mike would put it back next to bride, everyday Weezie would take it back to her bed. We finally gave up and let her have it...and then she lost interest!

This is another strange thing but I can't tell you who did it because I don't know. We have a round rubber stopper for the bathtub. It's light and flat. For the last few days, I have found it in my living room! I suspect Eepie because she loves the bathtub but I haven't caught anyone just yet!:eek: :eek:

01-11-2005, 07:06 PM
Foster Malfi, has to claw the carpet two times before he can take a drink out of the water bowl. He stands all erect, and gives his two scratches, like a horse, then it's o.k.:p :eek:

01-11-2005, 07:19 PM
Halo does her "business" in the cat box. Immediately jumps out and claws the heck out of the floor around the box. :rolleyes: The girl digs and scratches like she's trying to dig to China.

It's like she's got the general idea, but seems not to know that the digging is to cover what she left behind in the box. :rolleyes:

01-11-2005, 07:37 PM
I was pet sitting for my boss one time and her cats liked to be spanked?? They like being roughed housed but if you did that to my kitties they would think you were abusing them LOL

01-11-2005, 08:09 PM
Oh, Snowy, loves to be spanked! Pretty hard too!:eek: :D

Oh, how he loves a good beating.

I tell him: Come here and get your beating.

I didn't think it was 'strange' though.:rolleyes:

01-11-2005, 08:51 PM
LOL Rose. I'm use to petting my cats very daintly, I'd never thought to spank them before. I tried that with Shadow the other day and she was not having it.

01-12-2005, 08:43 AM
Every once,in a while Sam,runs around,for a minute,or so,growwling like a bear,and then calms down,in seconds!

01-12-2005, 08:58 AM
My cat sooty loves it when you whistle to her in a high pitch, she comes to you and then licks your nose.

Bugs and Twinkle both like to try and bury their food, they will eat what they want and then scratch at the floor to try and cover it! I thinkTwinkle may have picked this up from Bugs.

Also Twinkle likes to carry things around in her mouth, only yesterday I found one of my shower scrunchies on the floor in the kitchen, it had been hanging on the tap in the bath. It is a new one, never been used so it has now become one of her many toys!:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-12-2005, 09:54 AM
I was trying hard to come up with something for this thread. The only weird thing Peanut does is claw the carpet before she drinks too, just like a little bull.

BUT this morning I saw the strangest thing I've ever seen...and I didn't have my camera handy! Drat!!! I saw Crackers pee in the box. What's so strange about that you ask? Well, it's how he does it. First of all he scratches and gets a good hole dug. Then he puts his front paws on the edge of the box (uncovered box) and sort of stretches up, theeennn....he puts his back paws on the edge of the box right around his front paws, so he is teetering on the edge of the box, then he pees! I had to leave because I was cracking up so much and I didn't want to disturb him! :rolleyes: :D :D It was sooo hilarious! I don't think I've ever seen a cat do that before and I really must get a picture of it for you guys. :D :D

01-12-2005, 10:02 AM
This is a fun thread and you see that at PT you are never alone:

Like Halo, Filou prefers to dig outside the litterbox- and sometimes Tigris goes over and digs himself so that Filou's stuff is covered :D

And like Snowy, Tigris likes to be spanked by his dad. Must be a boy thing.

I think the strangest thing Filou is doing is eating mangoes:


smokey the elder
01-12-2005, 10:51 AM
Moby will pick food out of her bowl with her paw, and lick her paw.

Bosun perches on the cat box with her front paws when she does her business.

Most of my other cats are "normal", whatever that means.

Prairie Purrs
01-12-2005, 11:31 AM
Hagrid "sneaks up" on the dry food bowl. He crouches down, reaches up with a paw, and flicks some food out onto the floor. :D

Kacey either hates it when I sing or else he's trying to join me--he circles around yowling. And really, my voice isn't that awful.

01-12-2005, 11:33 AM
Got to see CJ doing his thing in the box!:eek:
All 4 paws on the walls?


Another thing Snowy does is, if another cat approaches him he meows (trills) at double the volume!

Really loud. It's startling. But it's a happy sound. (too bad Malfi only growls back at him)


01-12-2005, 02:56 PM
Your Guy's Cats do some wird things!:p

My RB cat, Necko used to clean AROUND his litter box after he used the bathroom but never covered up his 'Business'.:p

01-12-2005, 03:29 PM
Patches loves to play with ice cubes! We will put a piece in the water bowl and it is instant fun for hours (and then a big mess to clean up!)

01-12-2005, 03:55 PM
Allen likes to be petted roughly too! :D the rougher the better, if you ask him.

Long time ago, when the cats still had access to the basement, Allen would occasionally be a BAD KITTY and poop on the cement floor in front of the washer. Ok, it was bad but weird because he ALWAYS either dug a used fabric softener sheet out of the trash or a white sock out of the laundry basket to cover it. Always white sock, never colored. And what's even stranger is this: in the litter box he NEVER covers his poo... on the cement floor, it was covered :rolleyes:

Abby calls me when I am working on the computer. I'll go check on her to see what she is cryng for. She looks at me as if to say "oh, there you are" and walks away. She doesn't want anything other than me to find her. :rolleyes:

01-12-2005, 04:30 PM
I think it is amusing that we have so many boys who like spanking:cool: Eliot and Dylan love when catdaddy spanks them!! Beating is more accurate!! He has tried that treatment with Emily but she was horrified! She is a princess, afterall!!

Dylan gets his favorite toys during the night and plops them in his food bowl. It just always is a hoot because he usually takes our longest teaser and puts the toy part in there and the rest is strung across the kitchen. Does he really think it is safe in there?:eek: Just watching him drag it through the house, knowing where he is headed, well it makes me want to giggle and wet my pants.

Edwina's Secretary
01-12-2005, 04:45 PM
Remember last summer when it was just me and the E's in Chicago? Every night Eddie would bring two feathered sticks up the stairs and leave them on the floor by my bed. I would take the sticks downstairs. I would leave them in different places downstairs. Didn't matter....every morning there were two sticks.

Since moving here he has brought them only once :( He brings other toys but not the feathered sticks.