View Full Version : Amber is weird

01-10-2005, 01:25 PM
Last week as most of you know, she was sick in the night and off her food. Now she is back to eating again, but she wont touch her wet meat.

She has mainly dry food, but after her tea time walk we have always given her a spoonful of wet meat . She used to go nuts, jumping up and down while getting it out of the can as tho she couldn't wait for it to jump into her bowl. Now, she isn't interested at all and I can't work it out.

We haven't changed her meat so that isn't the reason, in fact we haven't changed anything at all.

Has anyone got any ideas?

01-10-2005, 01:36 PM
She may associate the meat with being sick, especially if she became ill shortly after eating it. Preacher refuses to eat the food he was fed at the vet clinic when he was ill. I'm sure he associates that food with the clinic and being ill. I'd say just give her more time to recover. Her tummy may still not feel up to her regular diet. Don't offer her the meat for a few days and see if she gets more excited for it after that.

01-10-2005, 01:41 PM
Hmmm, I did wonder if it was psychological with her.

I will try what you suggest and not give her any wet meat for a little while, see if it builds up her appetite for it.
