View Full Version : Dogfighting Ring Busted

Pit Chick
01-10-2005, 10:08 AM
Dogfighting Ring Busted

Sheriff's deputies arrested five people, accusing them of training close to 100 pit bulls to fight other dogs. Many of these dogs are just puppies.Pit bulls raised to fight and tear each other to pieces, all for money.

Sheriff's deputies arrested five people, accusing them of doing that to almost 100 dogs.

The arrests came during a raid Saturday night in East Bexar County on Trainer Hale Road.

Deputies say the property owner, Brian Bailey, ran one of the largest dogfighting rings in Texas.

Now he's in jail, and the dogs found on his land were taken away.

"They would have actually been fought until they were injured or killed," said Kathryn Bice with the Humane Society.

Nearly 40 puppies and 50 adult pit bulls were seized from the property during a dogfighting raid.

Deputies were tipped off and say the made the bust while a dogfight was going on.

They arrested five and ticketed twenty people for watching. They say it's a brutal sight.

"As all of you have probably seen two dogs fight in your backyard or in the street, compund that by 100, and that's what you have," said animal cruelty investigator Dave Garcia.

They say the dogs were chained and were thin and abused.

"This dog has old fight wounds and scars across his chest. You can see them all along his legs," said Garcia.

"To see the pen out there, and the carpet with all the blood on it, that's probably the hardest part," said Sergeant Michael Pesses.

Investigators say the landowner, Brian Bailey, is well known for dogfights, and say his website pitdogs.org promotes the bloodsport.

"This was a well organized, large dogfighting event," said Garcia.

Now the pit bulls could pay the ultimate price.

The future of the dogs is uncertain. A judge will decide whether they can be rehabilitated or if they'll have to be destroyed.

A tragic thought for animal lovers everywhere.

"This is a heartbreak. The animals we love that are companion animals shouldn't be used to fight and kill each other," said Bice.

Bailey faces animal cruelty and dogfighting charges, and if convicted, could spend two years in a state jail.

A judge will decide the dogs' fates in the next ten days.We'll let you know what happens.



Another successful bust! Though I think there should be a stiffer penalty, at least the dogs won't continue to suffer.

01-10-2005, 11:49 AM
I'm glad they busted his sorry a**!!! He deserves a LOT more than 2 years but like you said at least the dogs aren't suffering anymore.

01-10-2005, 03:40 PM
now i went to that website that supposedly promotes dog fighting and i saw nothing that even had anything to do with it!


Pit Chick
01-10-2005, 04:01 PM
It says on there that he's been having server problems, so I don't think there is as much to that site as there would usually be. Check out the disclaimer:

"This site is not intended for any illegal purpose whatsoever. The materials from this site are either scanned in from books, or are fictional stories acquired over time. The materials (content) on this site is inteded to be used for educating and informing people who are willing to share or learn information about the American PitBull Terrier. "

Dogfighters use this kind of disclaimer on their websites. I've seen it on countless sites that also use coded messages and wording to throw off anyone from thinking they may be promoting or participating in dog fighting. If they don't fight or promote fighting then they shouldn't need a "disclaimer". I admit though, this guy is slick in how he has his site set up. Some people have in-your-face info that is a big red flag to a fighter.