View Full Version : My hubby is such a sucker...

01-09-2005, 02:24 PM
I don't know why I thought of this..but my husband is such a push over when it comes to the cats. He claims to dislike them :rolleyes: (RRRIIIIGGGGHHHHTTTT) and has refused for the longest time to let them in the office. Ever since we got back, the door has remained opened and it is quite obvious they are in here as at least one will sleep on the bed (notice most of my pics of them have been taken in the office).

Last night, he was baby talking Whispy and Whispy even slept on him while we were watching TV on the couch. BTW, nothing is more attractive than a man baby talking his animals...don't know why.

One Mother's day a few years ago, I got a card from the kitties :D ; all the pics he has taken on the digital camera have been of the cats; whenever I want to buy them something, he refuses but then gives in eventually; though he complains, we do have more cat furniture in the house than people furniture. LOL

He gets jealous when one of the cats is loving on me and takes them away and pets them himself. I guess the reason he complains is that Shadow has behavioral issues...but he still pets/lovins on her whenever she comes around. Ya, he's a sucker.

He was the one who brought Callie home, though he knew we would be getting Shadow and Whisper back from my mom when my roommate moved out. (He complains about having three cats...) I think he is one of those closet pet-lovers. So strange!

01-09-2005, 03:05 PM
I agree ... nothing more attractive than a cat-loving man!;)

01-09-2005, 03:05 PM
What is it with guys anyways??? They think that if they show any kind of compassion for animals, i.e., baby talk to them, allowing them on their laps, in their offices, on their beds, that they look weak. Personally, I think that any guy who loves cats as much as I do is pretty amazing! ;)

01-09-2005, 03:18 PM
Moosmom, I agree. It would be nice to know a man who loves his pets as much as I do and NOT try to hide it. :rolleyes: I know of a few on here...but more men should be proud of their love for animals!

01-09-2005, 03:22 PM
Amen to that!!!