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View Full Version : I really wish I still had my camera

01-09-2005, 09:28 AM
Yesterday my husband and I went to a mud racing meeting at a place called Good Evening Ranch. Anyways they have a zoo there and had all kinds of animals. I was really suprised what I seen they had tigers, lions, a zebra, miniature horses, miniature donkey, elk, monkeys, ostrich, emus, sharks, prairie dogs and many other animals.

The place is very beautiful and located here in West Virginia.:D They even have places were can stay over night and have a gift shop and nice place to eat.

We plan on maybe going back later on in the summer and taking the kids. I know they would have a great time seeing all of those animals!

Here is the website if anyone is interested looking at it Good Evening Ranch (http://www.goodeveningranch.com/)

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-09-2005, 10:50 AM
That looks like a really great place, Tina!! I am glad that you and your hubby could go there. It is good to see you relaxing, after what happened lately... ! Give the girls a hug!!